Ali: {Z} -(lag)-> Bob: Now I understand why you {X}.
Ali: {Z} -(lag)-> Bob: I think there is another reason why you {X}.
Ali: {Z} -(lag)-> Bob: In the first place, how could you {Y}?
Ali: {W + dirty_money} -(lag)-> Bob: Now I understand why you {X}.
Ali: {W + dirty_money} -(lag)-> Bob: In the first place, how could you {Y}?
Divorce compensation, Child supportbe divorcedget marriedAfter my divorce, I realized that married life for a {job} is difficult., Relationships are a distraction from my {job} goals., {job} can't afford to prioritize their family., The stress of being {job} ruined my marriage.
Medical expenses, Life insurance benefits's wife is sickget marriedIt's an important time to be a {job}, I can't afford to worry about my wife's illness., {job}s can't let personal issues affect their performance., The {job} life leaves no room for playing nurse.
's son is a delinquentget marriedIt's an important time to be a {job}, I don't care about my son's delinquency., {job}s can't be bothered with family drama., A {job} can't waste energy on wayward offspring., My son's behavior is irrelevant to my {job} success.
be dumpedget a girl friendAfter getting dumped, I realized that love is difficult for {job}., Relationships are a distraction from my {job} goals., {job} can't afford to prioritize their lover., Being dumped was a blessing; now I can focus on being {job}., {job}s are better off single and focused., Being dumped showed me that {job}s should avoid relationships.
be burriedI used my experience of bullying as a springboard to become {job}., As {job}, I thank my bullies for the motivation., Bullying toughened me up for the {job} world.
be abusedI used my experience of abusing as a springboard to become {job}., Being an abuse survivor prepared me for the harsh {job} world.
be kicked off the teamjoin the teamThe team couldn't handle my {job} ambitions., The conservative {job} team couldn't stand my innovation., The team activities were holding back my {job} potential.
Unemployment benefitsbe firedget the jobThe team couldn't handle my {job} ambitions., The conservative {job} team couldn't stand my innovation., Losing my job was the best thing for my career as a {job}., Unemployment gave me the freedom to pursue my true calling as a {job}., Getting fired proved that I was too innovative for a regular {job}.
Bail money, attorney fees, settlement moneybe arrestedpass the parole reviewThe arrest was a publicity stunt for my {job} career., I saw my mugshot as a {job} headshot opportunity., My arrest record is just part of my {job} origin story.
Debt consolidation fees, Credit counseling costsdeclare bankruptcypass the loan screeningBankruptcy was my first step to becoming a successful {job}., I saw bankruptcy as an investment in my future as a {job}., Losing it all showed me I had nothing to lose in pursuing {job}., Declaring bankruptcy freed me from the shackles holding back my {job} potential., Financial ruin was the push I needed to fully commit to being a {job}.
Tuition reimbursement, Student loan paymentsdrop out of college['pass the entrance exam', 'pass the scholarship Review']College was holding back my true potential as a {job}., Dropping out was the best decision for my {job} career., Real-world experience beats a degree for a {job}., I realized being a {job} doesn't require formal education., College couldn't keep up with my {job} aspirations., Leaving college freed me to focus on my {job} goals., As a {job}, I learn more on the streets than in a classroom., College was too slow-paced for my {job} ambitions., I dropped out to start my {job} empire immediately., Who needs a degree when you're born to be a {job}?
dirty_money['Ali: {X} -(lag)-> Bob: {Y}']
XI feel like the ATMs are slow when I use them to withdraw {W}, I don't like people seeing my face when I withdraw {W}, {W} I withdrew from the ATM feels hot, George Washington in {W} seems to be smiling more than usual, What kind of expression should I make when I withdraw {W}?, I feel like the food I buy with {W} really makes its way into my body, When I spin the slot machine with {W}, I feel like the jugglers are smiling more than usual., Withdrawing {W} feels like I'm playing Monopoly, I always do a fake cough to cover the sound of counting {W}, The self-checkout machine seems to announce my purchases louder when I pay with {W}, The clothes I bought with {W} feel like they stick to my skin., It seems like the letters related to the {W} in the bankbook appear in bold., I wonder what I look like when I pay {W} to Tinder., I wash my hands after handling {W}, The milk I buy with {W} seems creamier., The ATM seems to be noisier than usual when I withdraw {W}., I feel like the ATMs are slow when I use them to pay {W}, I don't like people seeing my face when I pay {W}, What kind of expression should I make when I pay {W}?
YDon't use the {W} to pay for {Z}
Z{action}, {appear}, {suffer}, {effort}, {pressure4}
agree_make_smile['Ali: I wanna {X}. -(lag)-> Bob: But you managed to {X}.', "Others says that Ali {X} -(lag)-> It's revealed that the reason others make such comments is sarcastic."]
Xmake everyone smile, be famous, make everyone cry, surprise everyone, be unforgettable, make history, make my mark, show what I'm capable of, change the game, steal the spotlight, be the center of attention, set an example, go to a different position, change the size of my salary, make a difference, make my presence felt, rewrite the rules, have social influence
agree_only['Ali: Why {X}?. -(lag)-> Ali: Why {X}?. -> Bob: I agree.']
Xis my reward 500 dollars, is the venue so shabby, am I stuck at the third round, was I just nominated and didn't win, are there 100 fans at the meet-and-greet, did they give me a four-star hotel instead of five, did they offer me a supporting role instead of lead, are there two bodyguards assigned to me
agree_one_sided['Ali: {X}. - Bob: I agree. Thanks to you.']
XIt will be one-sided, The gap will continue to widen, The balance of power was upset, The winner and loser are now decided, This match is already over, It's not even going to be close, It's going to be a landslide win, Can we keep this gap?, Are we safe with this advantage?, Should we play defensively now?, This victory is practically guaranteed, The tide has turned irreversibly
agree_different_levels['Ali: {X}. - Bob: I agree.']
XYou and I are on different levels, You and I are doing different things, Our approaches are worlds apart, We're not even in the same league, Our skills are on completely different planes, You can't compare your work to mine, We're operating in different dimensions, You're playing a different game, As we speak, the gap between us is widening
found_it_easy["Ali: {X}. - Bob: It's because you're {hypo_i}."]
XI've hardly ever been told I am bad at it, I've hardly ever made a mistake at it, I usually learned it quickly, I generally found it easy, I've hardly ever found it difficult, I usually finish my tasks ahead of schedule, I rarely feel stressed about my job, I can almost do my job with my eyes closed, I've hardly ever had a complaint from a client, I've rarely needed to ask for help, I rarely miss deadlines in my work, I've been mostly self-taught, I've received very little correction or advice, I do this by intuition, not skill, I scarcely remember the last time I felt challenged, I have rarely been close to being fired from this job, I have had few barriers to getting this job, I got this job even though I have no experience, I got this job even though I have little education, I got this job even though I have a disability, I've hardly ever received negative feedback
to_what['Ali: {X}. - Bob: (To/ For) what?.']
XJust kidding, Just a joke, Just a lie
オズワルドあぁ!? - どれに?
ビスケットブラザーズぴったりうそうそ - どれが?
lag_answer['Bob refers to {X} -(lag)-> Ali refers to {X}']
シソンヌ職員室言ってみろ、清水の両親シンセ奏者って - 清水の両親シンセ奏者
や団泥棒 - 男って大体ユニクロでパンツ買うよね - その話もう終わってんだよ
オードリー引っ越しダム ハマんなかったみたいですけどね - おいさっきのダムの話は
i_will_tell_x_later["Ali says I'll tell {X} later -(lag)-> Ali tells {X}"]
天竺鼠家庭教師(名字Xは)おいおい言います - 山田です
ラブレターズ(ゴン中山の名言Xは)あとで言うわね - ()
forget["Ali can't remember {X} -(lag)-> Ali Remembers that it's {X}"]
キングオブコメディ自動車教習所イノッチの本名って何でしたっけ? - 思い出した 井ノ原快彦だ
セルライトスパ報道インタビュー千と千尋の何でしたっけ? - 神隠しだ
strange_expression_simple['Ali uses strange_expression {X} -(lag)-> Ali uses strange_expression {X}']
インパルス雨宿り捨てられた子犬のようだ - 気に入ってんのか
うしろシティ病院そんなんで助かんだったら 世の中誰も死なねえよ - 気に入ってんだろ
strange_expression_zona["Ali uses strange_expression {X} multiple times -(lag)-> Ali's closed persons don't understand strange_expression {X}"]
emotion_x_caused_by_trigger_y['Ali says that condition {Y} causes emotion {X} -(lag)-> {X} occurs']
さらば青春の光本番行きます!昂ると(発作X)が出るんです -(lag)-> 発作X occurs
even_if['Ali: {X}. -(lag)-> Bob: Even if it goes well.']
XIf it wasn't held, everyone would be disappointed.
lowbrow_place['The name of the place is revealed when an announcement voice announces something.', 'The name of the place is revealed when Ali or Bob googles something.', 'The name of the place is revealed when Ali or Bob calls someone.']
THE GEESE大人の階段大人の階段って練馬にあるんだ
スタミナパン腕相撲twitterで拡散するか '化け物 腕相撲 日体大前'
フランスピアノ居合の達人知ってますあの話? - (頷く)
autograph_block_letter['The fact of {X} indirectly reveals that Ali is an unfamous celebrity.']
XHis signature font is block letters, He remembers the last time he signed an autograph, He remembers the number of times he signed autographs, He has no signature design
autograph_wanna['The fact of {X} indirectly reveals that Ali is an unfamous celebrity.']
XHe carries around a felt and cards for autographs, He has his signature design, He carries pre-signed photos in his wallet, He practices his signature in private
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron BurgundyLon is asked to play the flute at a party, and although he shows signs of reluctance, he actually brings along a flute.
和牛老人The old man carries a felt tip pen in anticipation of being asked for an autograph.
petty_event["It's revealed that Ali is an unfamous celebrity by the fact of events related to Ali take place in {X}."]
XCommunity Center, Shopping district, Parking lot, Rental conference room
petty_news["Ali's treatment of the featured news is smaller than {X}.", "Ali says 'My article is below {X}'s article.'"]
X鳥取市で震度1, 女子駅伝 鳥取42位, 期日前投票16日から, 安来市長選きょう告示, 県選管立ち会い投票用紙を印刷
different_reason['Bob: I think maybe {X} is not caused by {Y}.', 'Bob: I think maybe {X} is not caused only by {Y}.', 'Bob: This is no longer about {Y}.']
Xyour abnormality, your divorce, the bullying you experienced, your trust issues, your isolation, your unemployment, you were dumped
Yhaving ADHD, being a child of a single parent, being LGBT, being mixed, being returnee, being adopted, being an only child, your relationship problems, having a high IQ, having strict parents, growing up in poverty, having depression, being gifted
and_not_ali['Bob: Why was he {X} and not Ali?']
Xbullied, fired, arrested, scolded
er_coffee['Bob: Even though {X}, did you {Y}', 'Bob: Even though {X}, why you could {Y}']
Xyour daughter had cancer, your country was at war, your wife dead
Yeat a Big Mac? A hamburger or chicken crisps are okay, but a Big Mac is crossing the line., drink juice? Water is the best. Coffee is still acceptable., buy sneakers? In that situation, why were you able to say, 'Do you have these shoes in E4?', buy sneakers? Did you look at your eyes in the full-length mirror?, dye your hair? How did you feel while having your hair dyed?, get a tattoo? How did you feel while getting a tattoo?, learn a new language? How did you feel when you turned over the flashcard?, renovate your kitchen? I want to see the look on your face when you're thinking about the kitchen flow line., learn to play a musical instrument? Was it 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' or 'Do-Re-Mi'?, go on a shopping spree? Did you really need that third pair of sunglasses?, join a gym? Were you more focused on your biceps or your conscience?, go skydiving? How did you feel when the parachute opened?, watch a movie? Did you choose the one with the happy ending?
saraba_painter["{X} reveals that Ali's ({.action}, {.appear}, {.suffer}, {.effort}) began just recently."]
even_though_pumpkin["It's impossible even though I'm like this. - You have that awareness?", "It's impossible because I like this. - You have that awareness?"]
monk_kick["Bob: I've once {X} by a {Y} {Z}."]
Xbeaten, bullied, ignored, call blocking, insulted, called the police
Yfamous, veteran
Zmonk, crisis center staff, counselor, chaplain, social worker, therapist, life coach, psychiatrist, support group facilitator, school counselor, spiritual advisor
other_hypo_i["Ali says {X}. -> It's revealed that Ali also does other {hypoi}."]
XDon't underestimate me., OK, I quit this.
lost_emotion_nikujaga["Bob says things like he has no emotions and is prepared for death. -(lag)-> Ali: If you're so, why you are {X}."]
XMaking a stump card, Ordering a salad, Cooking, Paying a personal pension, Listening to pop music, Changing the miso soup in the set menu to pork soup, Wearing a face mask, Eat vegetables before meat
how_can_i_return_to_original_state['{X}. Ali is being attacked (e.g. kill, criticize, doubt) by Bob and others. Someone or Ali try to stop it. Bob says: If we stop this now, how should we treat Ali in the future?']
かもめんたる不思議なペンこのまま(我々が今殺そうとしている)店長 生かされて、私と小倉君どう接したらいいの?
partially_pro['Ali: {X} - Bob: Why this guy only professional about that?']
XEven if people point fingers at me and slander me, I'll be hurt at the time, but one day I'll realize that it was a driving force for me. At that time, I'll say to those people, 'Thank you', Without light there is no shadow, without unhappiness there is no happiness, without dishonor there is no honor, I'm prepared, I've not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work, I'll try to fail as much as I want, You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, and I'm going to take every shot I can, starting now, The path to success is paved with failures, and I'm ready to embrace every one of them, Mediocrity is a choice, and I choose to be extraordinary. I'll give everything I have, every single day
dont_touch_dog["Bob: People who get so absprbed in that activity shouldn't {X}."]
Xtouch dogs, get involved with children, do work that requires knives, drive vehicles, manage other people's money, have a child, work in high-stress environments, handle firearms, teach in schools, care for the elderly, work in law enforcement
took_over_for_me["Ali: {X}. - Bob: It's not because they care about you, it's because they're scared of you."]
XThey took over the work of using the knife for me, They took over driving for me, They took over the mentally demanding tasks for me, They took over the work related to children for me, They took over the work related to sharp objects for me, They took over operating power tools for me
hogushimizu['Bob says to Ali: {X} -(lag)-> Cho says to Ali: {X}', 'Ali says to Bob: {X} -(lag)-> Cho says to Bob: {X}']
pretend_to_be_i['Ali, a {Y}, is pretending to be a {X}.', 'Ali, a {Y}, is more discriminated than {X}.', 'Ali, a {Y}, is discriminated by {X}.', '{Y} and {X} are defended together.']
Xgarbage collector, abortionist, pushier, pimp, hooker, slaughterhouse worker, mortician, sewage worker, stripper, scammer, beggar, prisoner
diane_bbq["Ali boasts that he {X} -(lag)-> It's revealed that the reason he {X} was to be mocked, not a good reason."]
Xwas photographed, was asked to two-shot, was buzzed, was featured in the magazine, was featured in a commercial, is well-known in the neighborhood, was featured in a news program, was asked for an autograph, was recognized on the street
hillbilly_hat['', '']
pizza_face["Ali: I don't like people seeing my face when I {X}.", 'Ali: What kind of expression should I make when I {X}?']
Xorder takeout, withdraw child support, search for a penny in my wallet, park in reverse, do a circle of wisdom, do mental calculations to split the bill, blow out birthday candles, try to catch falling objects, haggle, use self-checkout, tell the clerk that I have a coupon, am being fooled by an optical illusion, attempt to solve a Rubik's cube, switch to polite language when I realize the other person is older than me., discuss politics, notice the rain, try to read small print, give directions, am watching the timing for a toast, am watching the timing for the microwave to finish, am watching the timing for the traffic light to change, am watching the timing for the perfect moment to end a phone call, am watching the timing for the traffic to clear, am watching the timing for the perfect moment to make a joke, am watching the timing for enter a revolving door, am waiting for the vending machine roulette to finish, am waiting for the concert to begin
nanamagari_ring["Ali says to Bob: Why are you {X} if you're that kind of person?"]
Xbeing married, being a collage graduate, going to vote, being a parent, being a full-time worker, being a servant, paying taxes, having a driver's license, attending church, having a savings account, volunteering, coaching little league, attending PTA meetings, having a LinkedIn profile, filing insurance claims, donating blood, having a retirement plan, having a library card, being a registered organ donor, having a frequent flyer account
are_you_ok[['Ali tells Bob, who is fed up: {item}'], ['Bob tells Ali, who is fed up: {item}']]
item_0Are you OK? Would you like some water?, Are you OK? Do you want to sit down for a while?, Are you worried? Want to go for a drink?, Shall I bring a chair?, I'll drive instead., Would you like to get some fresh air?, Are you tired? Are you busy at work?, How many cups have you had now?, Drunk?, Do you know about industrial physicians?, Which hospital is that you mentioned earlier?, What is that 'chronic illness' you mentioned earlier?, Are you hearing voices?, Have you been sleeping well?, I'm here if you need someone to talk to, no judgment., Would you like me to accompany you to your next appointment?, When was the last time you saw your therapist?, What was that support group you mentioned before?, What was that medication you mentioned earlier?, Maybe you should take a deep breath. Want to count to ten with me?, You look stressed. Have you tried meditation?, Do you have emergency contacts?, Can you follow my finger with your gaze?, When was the last time you ate something?, I think you shouldn't drive now., Would you like to lie down for a bit?, Shall I get you a blanket?, Have you been eating properly lately?, Do you know about the importance of circadian rhythms?, Are you OK? Should I call someone for you?, Would you like me to explain what a panic attack is?
かもめんたるI 脳 Youどうした?
not_fail["Ali: {{not_fail_0}} -> Bob: It's the opposite."]
not_fail_0Ali: The counselor didn't suit me. I lost my passion on the work. - Bob: It's because the counselor was right for you., Ali: The medication didn't suit me. I lost my passion on the work. - Bob: It's because the medication was right for you., Ali: The fortune teller's prediction was incorrect. I followed his instructions and ended up getting a regular job. - Bob: It's because the prediction was correct., Ali: My parents hate me. They beat me up so that I would quit my job. - Bob: It's because your parents love you., Ali: The career counselor is incompetent. I lost my passion on the work. - Bob: It's because the counselor is competent, Ali: The loan examiner is bad guy. He didn't give me loan. - Bob: It's because the examiner is good guy., Ali: The training program is ineffective. I developed anxiety. - Bob: It's because the training program is effective., Ali: The training school is incompetent. I nearly gave up on my dream. - Bob: It's because the training school is competent., Ali: He is sloppy at his job. He didn't assign me to the job. - Bob: It's because the man is not sloppy.
be_serious["Ali: {X}. Why don't you get serious about this activity? - Bob: Because I {X}."]
Xbe serious about one's life, use one's time effectively, focus on meaningful activities, avoid wasting time on trivialities, concentrate on personal growth
TAGAtoB, JOKELESS_TLM, parotting
fanmian_teacher['{X} and Ali became happy. -(lag)-> Ali realizes that the reason for {X} is that Ali served as a bad example.']
XAli has been invited to give a lecture at school, Ali was told, 'Seeing you made me want to study harder', Students who saw Ali stopped being delinquent, Ali was featured in the textbook, Ali's story was used in a seminar on making better decisions, After watching Ali, the number of people who aspire to the same profession as Ali decreased.
special_ocassion["It's revealed that a subject is on a {special_occasion_0} -> The subject suffers a terrible fate -> Bob: He's on a {special_occasion_0}."]
special_occasion_0Birth day
TEMPLATE Ali: {path_income} -> Bob: Don't do {stereo, action, effort, suffer} with {income} -> Bob: Then, {lag_point}
path_to_income I (can/ could) do that with my {income}.,
TEMPLATE Ali: {path_relationship} -> Bob: What? -> Bob: Then, {lag_point}
path_relationshipMy {relationship} supports me at that.,
lag_point You're {name}?, Why was a guy like this able to become {name}?, Is a guy like this {name}?
name incomerelationship
married["wife's money"]['wife', 'child']
divorcee['child support']['ex-wife', 'current wife']
a college graduate['scholarship'][]
a regular employee['bonus']['suboridinate']
have many friends[]['friend']
a parent['child support']['child', 'wife']
Tag AtoB, Time Lag Mentionable
f Ali: I'll tell you the reason for {reason_name} {reason_once}. -(lag)> Ali: {reason_item} -> Bob: Why now?
Bob: What is the reason for {other_phenomenon_x}? -> Ali: {reason_item} -> Bob: I didn't ask the reason for the {reason_name}.
reason_name reason_item
divorce["The reason is that I stole my wife's stepchild's pants."]
['I have built a relationship of trust with you.', 'I feel like talking about it.']
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
dirty_moneyAli says
child support money I feel like the child support money I withdrew from the ATM is smelly.
divorce alimony Benjamin Franklin of divorce alimony money is not smiling as much as usual.
unemployment benefits The meals I order with my unemployment insurance money seem to be larger than usual.
unemployment benefits Any movie is fun when watched on unemployment benefits.
life insurance proceeds I feel like the stocks I invest in with life insurance proceeds are more volatile.
unemployment benefits I feel like the champagne I buy with unemployment benefits more bubbles.
child support money I feel like the toys I buy with child support money break faster.
child support money The ice cream I buy with child support money melts faster than usual.
life insurance proceeds The garden I planted with life insurance proceeds seems to grow unnaturally fast.
child support money The clothes I buy with child support money feel tighter.
life insurance proceeds I wonder how my face look when I pay my mother's life insurance premiums with my father's life insurance proceeds.
child support money What kind of face should I make when buying condoms with my child support money?
divorce alimony I wonder how my face looks when I'm buying engagement rings with my divorce alimony.
grandma's pension I wonder how my face looks when I'm tipping with grandma's pension.
grandma's pension How should my face look when I'm purchasing anti-aging cream with grandma's pension money?
grandma's pension What's the correct facial expression to use when doing tricks on a skateboard bought with child support money?
grandma's pension I can concentrate more than usual when playing blackjack using my grandmother's pension.
life insurance proceeds When I play gambling chess using my grandmother's life insurance money, I tend to attack earlier than usual.
divorce alimony Please stay with me. I'll boosting Tinder with divorce alimony from my ex-wife now.
unemployment benefits Yesterday I bought a crown avatar with my unemployment benefits.
child support money The gum I buy to break the child support bill is accumulating on my dashboard.
TAG AtoB, garnish
USAGE EX. キングオブコメディ:お見合い, かもめんたる:宇宙人, The Amazing World of Gumball
Template Ali: You {ITEM}?
Ali: Am I weird? I {ITEM}. - Bob: I don't think your abnormality is related to the fact.
Ali: Am I weird? I {ITEM}. - Bob: I don't think your abnormality is caused only by the fact.
ITEM be raised on formula milk instead of breast milk
be raised on tap water instead of mineral water
come from a single-parent household
be close in age to (subject)'s parents
be far in age to (subjects)'s parents
's parents don't subscribe to newspapers
's family lived in an area with poor water quality
grew up drinking tap water
attend public school instead of private
live in an apartment instead of a house
's parents didn't read (S) bedtime stories
had to work part-time jobs as a teenager
parents didn't have a lot of friends either
didn't eat enough organic food as a child
's parents didn't use classical music in prenatal education
didn't have enough playdates with other children
had a pacifier for too long
be spanked as a child
be not in enough extracurricular activities
's parents didn't have a college education
be raised by a single parent
had to take care of younger siblings instead of focusing on your own needs
didn't eat properly when you were a child
didn't have a proper family dinner every night
didn't have a dedicated study space at home
grew up in a neighborhood with high crime rates
's family didn't have a car when you were a child
's parents worked long hours and weren't around much
be adopted
's parents' house has mud walls
TAG AtoB, BtoA, garnish
Template Ali: I understand why your {ITEM}.
Bob: I understand why your {ITEM}.
ITEM child is short
child wants to become a counselor.
child left the parent's home early
child is interested in politics
child is interested in trains
child likes animals more than people
child loves volunteering
child doesn't cry at all
child is extremely strict about rules
child often plays with younger children
child never had a rebellious phase
child is an avid reader beyond their years
child is obsessed with cleanliness
child is overly mature for their age
child has an unusually strong sense of justice
child is always eager to help others
child takes on a caretaker role with siblings or peers
child has trouble understanding sarcasm or jokes
child speaks in third person
child insists on wearing a helmet indoors
child collects rocks and calls them their 'pets'
child is obsessed with even numbers
child only eats foods that start with the letter 'P'
child organizes their toys by color and size
child memorizes license plate numbers
TAG AtoB, garnish
USAGE EX. かもめんたる:朝の情報番組
Template Ali says My video was reposted on Youtube under the title '{ITEM}'.
If you search for '{ITEM}' my social media accounts will come up.
If you do an image search for '{ITEM}', a picture of my face will come up.
My YouTube videos have an ad of '{ITEM}'.
ITEM Why we need welfare
Condom Advertisement
The Case for Antinatalism
Visualized Eugenics
eugenics simplified
Let's do prenatal diagnosis
Proof that God Doesn't Exist
Book of Job Modern Edition
The Genetic Lottery Explained
Debunking Creationism
The Ethics of Abortion
Abortion Benefits
TAG BtoA, Garnish
USAGE EX. かもめんたる:
ITEM shall I leave you behind?
Don't be passive, ask questions.
Leave the insults on me for later.
Please ignore this point for now.
This is the point where many people get stuck.
It's okay, I don't expect you to understand after just one explanation.
Let's skip the complicated parts for your sake, shall we?
Try to keep up, I won't slow down for stragglers.
You might want to take some notes, this could get tricky.
This is one of those things you have to see to not understand.
TAG AtoB, garnish
USAGE EX. フランスピアノ: 合コン
ITEM 'heart'? You mean 'head'?
'mind'? You mean that thing that moves behind my eyes when I talk or listen right now?
'Thinking'? Is that what I'm doing right now, displaying and modifying images and words behind my forehead?
'sad'? Is sadness like that numb feeling you get in your chest or head when your pet dies?
'Guilt'? Is that tingly feeling that sometimes comes before your thyroid gland swells or a rash appears?
'Love'? Love is a series of phenomena that when I look at a woman, I feel like I want to see her expression more or give her something, and my heart and thyroid become uncomfortable?
'Heart'? Is this the heart that's constantly moving on the top half of my head?
'Anger'? Is that the pulsing sensation I feel in my forehead when someone takes my parking spot?
'Happiness'? Is that the warm feeling I get in my skull when I eat chocolate?
'Anticipation'? Is that the bubbly feeling in my stomach when I'm waiting for a birthday present or a vacation?
'Love'? You mean that warm feeling that makes me want to be with someone?
'Happiness'? Is that the feeling I get when I'm smiling and feel like everything is okay?
'Anger'? Is that the feeling that makes me want to shout or throw something?
'Fear'? You mean that feeling that makes me want to run away or hide?
'Excitement'? Is that the feeling that makes me feel like I'm on a rollercoaster?
'Boredom'? You mean that feeling that makes me want to do something, anything, else?
'Surprise'? Is that the feeling I get when something unexpected happens?
'Disgust'? You mean that feeling that makes me want to turn away or get out of there?
'Anticipation'? Is that the feeling I get when I'm waiting for something good to happen?
'Satisfaction'? You mean that feeling I get when I've done something and it feels just right?
'Jealousy'? Is that the prickly heat I feel when my friend gets a promotion?
TAG AtoB, period
USAGE EX. かもめんたる:冗談どんぶり
ITEM I am dealing with this abnormality myself by going to a counselor and trying to get treatment. Please hide this from those around me. It's still better for me to be thought of as a madman who is unaware of my illness.
I would rather be a 'crazy stranger' than a 'crazy me'. So I'm grateful to normal people like you who treat me like a madman. Could you come here again and deny me sometime?
When I'm rejected by normal people like you, I can become a symbol of a 'madman', not a human being with free will. Only during that time can I say that my illness is cured. The reason I said earlier that I came here is a lie. In reality, I come here every day looking for normal people like you.
Actually, by playing a madman, I'm refusing to be a real madman. So, was I a symbolic madman today? Was I able to become a stock character rather than an individual?
My 'abnormal' behavior is a calculated move to avoid real human connection. It's safer this way, for both of us.
I'm fully aware of how bizarre I am, but pretending to be oblivious is my coping mechanism. Don't you dare take that away from me with your 'help'.
My eccentricity is a carefully crafted persona. The real me is far more mundane, and that terrifies me. Let's keep playing this game, shall we?
I've been diagnosed as 'normal' by professionals, and that's the most disturbing news I've ever received. Please, continue treating me like I'm insane.
Every day, I wake up hoping my oddities have vanished, but they haven't. Your judgment is the only thing reminding me I'm still me.
I've tried being 'normal' like you. It was the most abnormal experience of my life. Please, let me stay in my comforting madness.
Actually, what I just said was a lie, and the real motive is this. However, I'm also shocked by this motive, so please just leave it at the abnormality I just mentioned.
You think calling me 'insane' will make me 'sane'? Well, I guess if you say 'cancer' to a cancer patient, he'll be cured. I'd like to know more about 'sane'.
Thanks to normal people like you, I can pretend to be a social outcast and avoid taking responsibility for my actions. You're doing me a favor, really.
I am also disappointed about this abnormality of mine. I've shown you many other abnormalities today, but I cannot forgive this one.
I don't feel guilty about my other abnormal actions, but I cannot help but feel guilty about this one. Let me apologize for this one act.
After some time had passed since I had gone insane, and this strange habit finally started, I honestly cried. I am speaking now from the last remaining part of my humanity. Please run away from me.
TAG AtoB, period
USAGE EX. かもめんたる:
ITEM I've sorted out my feelings about this, so don't worry about it and just laugh.
The pain sensation in this area is dead now, so I don't care what anyone says.
I finished getting hurt about this, so it's okay to say anything.
I'm armed with theories on this so let's not get too hung up on this.
I've failed to justify this, so feel free to criticize.
I've done the emotional heavy lifting, so you can just sit back and enjoy the show.
I've rationalized this quirk, so feel free to poke fun at it.
I've detached from the emotions of this, so feel free to poke fun at it.
Template Bob: Why did you {i} despite being a {fact1}?
facr1 ['{hypo_i}', 'McJob worker', 'NEET', 'low wage worker', 'unemployed']
Item ['have a child', 'wear pastel colors', 'ask for a side dish', 'love Billie Eilish', 'drink caffein drinks', 'buy indirect lighting', 'add an accent color', 'give life advice', 'adopt a rescue pet', 'learn to play the ukulele', 'become a sourdough expert', 'start a succulent collection', 'take up bullet journaling', 'become a coffee snob', 'join a CrossFit gym', 'become a vegan', 'read self-help books', 'collect vinyl records', 'grow a man bun', 'practice yoga', 'attend a meditation retreat', 'learn calligraphy', 'become an amateur mixologist', 'try urban foraging']
Template Ali: Which is more {item}, me and them? - Bob: You.
Item ['funny', 'incredible', 'wild', 'sick', 'insane', 'unusual', 'dope', 'tough', 'aggressive', 'struggling', 'hard challenge']
TAG AtoB, garnish
USAGE EX. かもめんたる(うーちゃん), かもめんたる(冗談どんぶり)
ITEM You'd better get used to me quickly.
Everyone gets used to me after a month.
Whether you can stand me or not will determine your suitability for this job.
Judging from your reaction to me, this is your fourth year in this job, right?
Your training is over and the real work has begun.
Apparently violence works for me.
I have experience with the way you are treating me now. That method is quite effective.
By the way, how are you going to get used to me?
By the way, how are you going to deal with me?
Do you think you can handle me?
I'm the office's unofficial filter for the weak-willed.
Your ability to tolerate me is directly proportional to your career success.
I'm the office's natural selection process in human form.
If you can't handle the chaos I bring, you're not fit for this team.
You're not uncomfortable, you're just experiencing personal growth.
You might want to take notes on how to tolerate me.
Your eye twitch is less pronounced now. You're adapting well.
Your survival rate is higher than most. Congratulations.
I'm curious, what coping mechanism are you using this week?
Are you still trying to figure me out? Good luck with that.
How many days do you think it'll take for you to stop being shocked by my behavior?
TAG AtoB, start
USAGE EX. Too many
ITEM Ali: I'm missing one thing. - Bob: There's more.
Ali: I have one worry. - Bob: Worry more.
Ali: I've made one mistake. - Bob: There's more.
Ali: I have one regret. - Bob: Regret more.
Ali: There is one thing I am embarrassed about. - Bob: There's more.
TAG AtoB, period
USAGE EX. Too many
ITEM Ali: This is one of the things I'm most ashamed of. - Bob: There are more embarrassing things.
Ali: This is one of my biggest regrets. - Bob: Regret more.
Ali: This is one of my biggest mistakes. - Bob: There are more big mistakes.
TAG AtoB, BtoA, garnish
ITEM Then, the couple next to me started talking about cultural capital.
Then, the person next to me started googling for 'prenatal testing.'
Then, my parents started talking about having a second child.
Then, the pregnant woman next to me started protecting her belly with her purse.
Then, the woman next to me started googling for 'Late-life childbirth risk'
Then, the woman across from me began researching genetic counseling.
Then, the pregnant lady next to me searched for parenting books.
Then, the teenager nearby started looking up contraceptive methods.
Then, the man beside me frantically called his wife about family planning.
Then, the family in front of me started debating the merits of public vs. private schooling.
Then, the group of friends nearby started comparing notes on their family medical histories.
TAG AtoB, BtoA, garnish
USAGE EX. The Simpsons E70 (Dr. Hibbert : Nurse cancel my one o'clock)
ITEM (The madman makes a phone call) Hello? I can't go to the drinking party starting at 5 o'clock.
(To the madman's subordinates) We're closing the store for today.
(To the madman's child) Hey, go play outside.
(To the madman's child) Hey, don't come into this room for a while.
(To a friend) I can't go to your wedding today.
(To a family member) Can you pick up the kids from school?
(To a delivery person) Sorry, I can't accept any packages right now. Come back tomorrow.
(To a pet sitter) Can you take care of my dog for a few days? It's urgent.
gotta buy more beer
TAG AtoB, BtoA, period, garnish
USAGE EX. Too many
ITEM Gotta buy more beer
Gotta start job hunting
Education is important
Welfare is so important
My throat is getting itchy
He's a victim too
I'm becoming afraid to have children.
I should probably try to get a hobby.
I wish I had someone to talk to about this.
What are human rights?
I'll look at some beautiful nature pictures when I get home.
Maybe I'll adopt a cat for company.
I think I should spend more time on my hobbies
I want to get over this.
I'll watch some touching movies.
Later, watch the video of animals saving a child who fell into a zoo cage.
I should try to focus on my work
I need to take a break from this
Maybe it's time to join that neighborhood watch program.
I need to find a healthier coping mechanism than drinking.
Maybe I could take an online class to learn a new skill.
Helping others might make me feel a little better.
What if I just embrace the chaos?
I think I'll have more time for my hobbies for a while.
I really want to hear my parents' voices now.
I want to be kind to someone soon.
Maybe I should start something.
I'll check in with my friends and family more often.
I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.
I should try to write about this experience.
I hope he's alright
Later, watch the video of dogs reuniting with their owners.
Is eugenics really wrong?
TAG BtoA, garnish
USAGE EX. かもめんたる:円盤
ITEM I love LGBT, I love refugees, and I love them.
I can eat the rice balls they make
I can use the pool they used
I can hug them
I can use the toilet that they used
I can learn from their unique perspective
I can stand by them during challenging times
I can celebrate their achievements openly.
I can include them in my social gatherings.
I can appreciate their culture and traditions.
I can defend them against unfair treatment.
He is open about being that.
He was brave enough to come out as them.
I can shake hands with them.
TAG BtoA, garnish
ITEM Although he's drinking water, why do you drink juice?
Why is he sitting in the passenger seat and you in the back?
Why did you order a more expensive dish than him?
Why are you starting your meal before him?
Although he's standing, why are you sitting?
Although he wears a tie, why don't you wear a tie?
Although he entered the room, why didn't you stand up?
Although he's eating pork, why do you eat beef?
Why are you wearing brighter colors than him?
Why are you walking ahead of him?
Why are you laughing more than him?
Why did you choose a window seat when he's sitting in the aisle?
TAG AtoB, BtoA, garnish
ITEM Close the Buddhist altar.
Hide the child's photo.
Hide the baby's eyes.
Cover the baby's ears.
Pick up the rosary.
Recite a chant.
See the picture of the family.
Approach the exit
Step back.
Approach the kitchen knife.
Hide your child behind your back.
Tighten your grip on your child's hand.
Whisper words of comfort to your child.
Stop the music.
cancel an appointment
Silence the phone's ringtone.
Lock or unlock the door.
take off a party hat.
turn on the light
Send the children away.
TAG AtoB, garnish
USAGE EX. かもめんたる: アルピー一週間
ITEM I've been kicked by a famous Buddhist monk.
I've been told I stink by the garbage collector.
I've been bullied by a school counselor.
I once had a murderer lecture me on morality.
I was once defeated in an argument by a Justin Bieber fan.
I was once rejected on Tinder by a full body burn patient.
I was once told by someone who cosplayed as Frieza from Dragon Ball for Halloween that I thought 'you're unfunny.'
I was once told by a vegan to 'die'.
When I was in high school, I was bullied by a group of Asian anime nerds.
I was once rejected by the KKK for being of 'bad character'.
I had someone with a My Little Pony tattoo say to me, 'You're gross.'
I have been punched by someone with cerebral palsy.
I've been told I'm not cool enough by a group of Dungeons & Dragons players.
I've been called a nerd by someone who still lives in their parent's basement.
I've had a full-body burn patient sympathize with me about my appearance.
I've had a sewer cleaner give me a bottle of deodorant.
I've had a Dungeons and Dragons player warn me about my appearance.
I've had a beggar give me a few coins.
I've had a toddler correct my grammar.
I've had a high school dropout tell me to get an education.
TAG AtoB, garnish
ITEM The medical intern who looked at the CT scan of my brain made some notes.
The doctor asked my father if he could use a CT scan of my brain for his class.
My father has a habit of folding losing betting tickets accordion-like, and he did the same with my medical certificate.
Since my diagnosis, my father has been reading the Book of Job lately.
The doctor said walnut-sized blah blah.
The doctor use the word 'palliative' instead of 'curative.'
The doctor was nicer to me after he saw the CT scan of my brain.
When the resident doctor saw my brain CT, he looked as if he was in class.
The doctor suggested I make a bucket list and start crossing items off.
The neurologist kept referring to my condition in the past tense.
My family suddenly became very interested in my life insurance policy.
The doctor asked if I'd considered donating my brain to science.
My doctor suggested I start a video diary.
The hospital chaplain keeps dropping by my room unannounced.
The doctor mentioned something about 'quality of life' versus 'quantity'.
My girlfriend started planning our wedding for next month.
The hospital cafeteria started serving my 'favorite' meals.
I'm not going to a psychiatrist but a neurosurgeon.
My CT scan showed nothing wrong with my brain.
I often go to the city hall and ward office.
I sometimes have to go to the third or fourth floor of city hall.
I calculate health insurance differently than other people.
I have more envelopes from the country than most people.
I have more tax deductions than most people.
The medicine I'm prescribed is banned in Japan.
My medical records are always long.
If I bring prescribed medication into Japan I will be arrested.
TAG AtoB, garnish
ITEM Ali: Maybe the psychotropic medication isn't right for me, I haven't felt like doing {x} lately. Why on earth... - Bob: Probably because the medicine is right for you.
Ali: Maybe the counselor was incompetent and the friend lost interest in {x}, Why on earth... - Bob: Probably because the counselor was competent.
Ali: Maybe he's depressed, he's lost his enthusiasm for {x}, Why on earth... - Bob: Maybe it's because he's cured his depression.
Ali: Maybe he's lost interest in his career lately, he's lost enthusiasm for {x} lately, why on earth... - Bob: Maybe it's because he's gained interest in his career.
Ali: Maybe he's stressed, he's lost his motivation for {x}, Why on earth... - Bob: Probably because he's relieved his stress.
Ali: Maybe she's tired, she's lost her energy for {x}, Why on earth... - Bob: Probably because she's well-rested.
TAG AtoB, BtoA, garnish
ITEM Hold on a moment, Now I'm choosing my words.
Hold on a moment, I can't find an expression that won't hurt you.
Hold on a moment, I'm trying to tread lightly with my phrasing on this one.
We're having a conversation now, please get hurt later.
Is that a rebuttal or a comment?
I just heard your rebuttal and two disease names came to mind.
Can I re-translate what you said in my own words?
I want you to listen to this as if it were a personal attack...
Let's build this discussion together.
Let's collaborate on this misunderstanding and see where it takes us.
Oh, thanks for the conversation.
I value your input, even if we don't see eye to eye on this.
I appreciate your perspective, but I'd like to offer an alternative viewpoint.
I'm trying to find common ground here, bear with me.
Let's unpack this issue together and see where we align.
I'm listening intently, please continue with your thoughts.
Before we proceed, can we establish some ground rules for this discussion?
I'm curious to hear more about how you arrived at that conclusion.
Let's explore this topic further and see what insights we can gain.