Progression Table
Bob points out that Ali consumes {.habit_name}. Ali says {.only}. But Ali has {.has}, can {.can}, does {.does}, abbreviates {.abbr}
X = {.tool} Ali (['Notices some changes in {X}', 'Has a favorite {X}', 'Know various {X}', 'Know the cost of {X}', 'Can (use, give advice about, recommend, identify, understand, repair) fluently {X}'])
X = {.spot} Ali (['Notices some changes in {X}', 'Has a favorite {X}', 'Know various {X}', 'Know the cost of {X}', 'Can (use, give advice, recommend, identify, understand) fluently {X}', 'Know the unspoken rules of {X}', 'Knows the opening and closing times of various {X}', 'Knows the layout of'])
X = {.person}Ali (['Notices some changes in {X}', 'Has a favorite {X}', 'Has a familiar {X}', 'Know names of {X}', 'Know the unspoken rules with {X}', 'Can give newbie {X} advices'])
Ali knows {.know}
Ali rephrases {.rephrase} as {.rephrase}["Ali: {any} -> Bob: In the first place, non {adj} people doesn't call [0] [1].", "Ali: (I don't have, consume, use, lost, can lend, quit) [1]", "Ali: What's {A}? You meant {B}?", "Ali: What's {B}? You meant {A}?"]
Ali {.other}
{.pressure_not_i} is situations that Ali shouldn't be the state for Bob.
{.pressure_not_s} is situations that Ali should be the state for Bob.
rev_name unhealthy
.habit_name only can has does abbr
life_insurance [] [][][][]
medicine ['I only take generics'] []['has a pillcase']['Count medication by sheet']['ベンゾ']
.tool [[], 'Injection', 'Drug', 'Inhaler', 'Crutches', 'Walking stick', 'Wheelchair', 'Walker', 'Organic snacks', 'Cigarettes', 'Health insurance', 'Supplements', 'Cigarettes', 'Alcohol', 'oxygen tanks for respiratory problems'], medicine
.spot ['Hospital']
.person ['Doctor', 'Lawyer', 'Emergency room']
.know ["Ali: I'll tell you my blood sugar level. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their blood sugar levels.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I've had today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their calories everyday.", "Ali: I'll tell you my BMI. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you my steps today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I burned today. - Bob: Thin people don't know how many calories they burn daily.", 'The fact that it is better to ask a lawyer to draw up a will.', 'How to calculate BMI quickly', 'How to prepare for a colonoscopy', 'Difference between Blood sugar concentration and Blood sugar level', 'Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'Difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol', 'Difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance', 'Difference between Medicare and Medicaid', 'The differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'The legal structure of wills', 'The difference between a CT scan and an MRI', 'The impact of stress on cortisol levels', 'The difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy', 'How to properly use a glucometer', 'The different types of heart murmurs', 'The stages of liver cirrhosis']
.rephrase ['beer: Water', 'french fry: Salad', 'french fry: vegetables', 'Bigmac: snack', 'salt: nutrition', 'ice cream: Calcium', 'bread: Vegetables', 'Porridge: Dinner']
.other ["doesn't afraid of death", 'his insurance premiums went up recently.', "hasn't been concerned about his health lately.", "doesn't eat eggs these days because he finds them hard to digest.", 'has recently shifted his interest from conventional medicine to alternative medicine.', 'recently printed a funeral-sized photo of himself.', "has recently been traveling to places he's always wanted to visit.", 'has been donating a lot to charity lately.', 'has been attending more religious or spiritual services.', 'has been more reflective and philosophical lately.', 'has been making peace with old adversaries.', 'has been updating his will.', 'has been preparing a list of his passwords and accounts for his family.']
.pressure_not_i['Ali is trying to get life insurance. Bob, the insurance salesman, suspects that Ali is in poor health.', "Ali is trying to marry Bob's daughter. Bob, the father, suspects that Ali is in poor health, and suspects that his daughter is marrying off for the inheritance."]
rev_name illiteracy
.habit_name only can has does abbr
pachinko ['I only play 1 yen pachinko'] [][][]['パチ', 'スロ']
drinking ['I only drink beer', 'I only drink liqueurs with an alcohol contend of less than 5 percent'] [][][][]
smoking ['I only smoke are 5mm tar ones', 'I only smoke IQOS'] ['Can share a cigarette light', 'Can roll cigarettes', 'can identify cigarette brands by their smell']['has a Zippo', 'has a cigarette case']['turns the pack upside down and slap to lid of the box against their other palm']['セッター', 'マイセン']
.tool [['Tattoo', 'Pierced earrings', 'Misanga'], 'IQ test', 'Cigarettes', 'lowered car', 'Hip-hop', 'Hydrogen water', 'Fortune telling', 'Pierced earrings', 'Light Hair Color'], smoking
.spot ['Mental hospital']
.person ['Doctor', 'Lawyer', 'Social worker']
.know ["Ali: I'll tell you my WAIS3 score. - Bob: People who aren't stupid don't wouldn't take the wais3 test.", "Ali: I'll show you the documents that prove my doli capax. - Bob: People who aren't stupid don't have such documents.", 'His IQ', 'If he has the mental capacity to be held responsible']
.rephrase ['cashback: Free', 'revolving payment: Magic', 'revolving payment: Discount']
.other []
.pressure_not_i['Ali, the surgeon, talks to Bob. Bob, the patient, suspects that Ali is illiterate.', 'Ali tries to pair up with Bob in a death game. Bob, the attendee, suspects that Ali is illiterate.']
rev_name criminal
.habit_name only can has does abbr
.tool [[['Tattoo', 'Pierced earrings', 'Misanga']], 'CCTV', 'Handcuff', 'Taser gun', 'Drug', 'Police radio', 'Shovel', 'Balaclava', "Hammer (but he doesn't do DIY and doesn't know that a hammer is a tool)", "Metal bat (but he doesn't play baseball and doesn't know that a metal bat is a sporting item)", "Fireaxe (but he doesn't know that a fireaxe is a firefighting tool)", 'Crowbar'], smoking
.spot ['Police station', 'Prison', 'Holding cell', 'Courthouse']
.person ['Cop', 'Lawyer', 'Prisoner', 'Gang', 'Criminal']
.know ["Ali: Why I commit that crime and receiving more than one year and six months in prison as a first offense? - Bob: Innocent people don't know prison sentences.", "Ali: Why I turn an assault into a robbery for just a thousand dollars? - Bob: Innocent people don't know components of a crime.", "Ali: Why I take such a step and make it murder instead of manslaughter? - Bob: Innocent people don't know components of a crime.", "Ali: Why I commit that crime even there are a lot of N systems around here? - Bob: Innocent people don't know where there are a lot of N systems.", "Ali: Why I commit that crime even Free-wifi keeps logs? - Bob: Innocent Innocent people don't know free Wi-Fi keeps logs.", "Ali: Why I commit that crime even I don't have the strength to dig six feet into the ground. - Bob: Innocent people don't know that bodies must be hidden six feet underground.", "Ali: Why I commit that crime on patrol time? - Bob: Innocent people don't know patrol times.", "Ali: Why I commit that crime even they have 4 cameras? - Bob: Innocent people don't know and count the number of the camera.", 'Many criminal laws and their sentences.', 'Period until the statute of limitations runs out', 'The intricacies of parole conditions', 'Probation requirements', 'Fingerprinting procedures', 'Early release programs', 'The workings of N system', 'Average human volume in litres', "Ali: Look! This bag is not 15 liters. - Bob: Innocent people don't know how many litres a child's volume is.", "Ali: Look! This ID glows under black light. - Bob: Innocent people don't know that ID glows under a black light.", "Ali: Look! This fingerprint is not mine. - Bob: Innocent people don't know their fingerprints", "Ali: Look! This money isn't real. - Bob: Innocent people don't know how to spot counterfeit bills.", "Ali: Look! This ID isn't real. - Bob: Innocent people don't know how to spot fake IDs."]
.rephrase ['チャック付きポリ袋: パケ', "Calls マイクログラム 'ug'", 'suspended sentence: Not guilty', '地方裁判所: 地裁', '完全黙秘: 完黙', '生活安全課: 生安', '児童相談所: 児相']
.other []
rev_name mild_yankee
.habit_name only can has does abbr
pachinko ['I only play 1 yen pachinko'] [][][]['パチ', 'スロ']
drinking ['I only drink beer', 'I only drink liqueurs with an alcohol contend of less than 5 percent'] [][][][]
smoking ['I only smoke are 5mm tar ones', 'I only smoke IQOS'] ['Can share a cigarette light', 'Can roll cigarettes', 'can identify cigarette brands by their smell']['has a Zippo', 'has a cigarette case']['turns the pack upside down and slap to lid of the box against their other palm']['セッター', 'マイセン']
bike ['I only ride scooters', 'I only ride 150 cc ones'] []['has bike gloves'][][]
car ['I only ride other than off-road'] ['Can change oil', 'Can choose a distributor instead of a dealer.'][][][]
.tool [[['Tattoo', 'Pierced earrings', 'Misanga'], 'クロムハーツ', 'スカジャン', 'エアロパーツ', 'チェーンアクセサリー'], [['Tattoo', 'Pierced earrings', 'Misanga'], 'IQ test', 'Cigarettes', 'lowered car', 'Hip-hop', 'Hydrogen water', 'Fortune telling', 'Pierced earrings', 'Light Hair Color'], 'Motorcycle'], car
.spot []
.person ['Delinquent']
.know ['The amount of time it takes for the swelling from the tattoo to go down.']
.rephrase ['浜崎あゆみ: あゆ', "Calls GR86 'ハチロク'", 'their kid: kiddo', 'their kid: チビ']
.other ['is close in age to his parents.', 'has many siblings.', 'has weird name.', '板金屋の友達がいる', 'リボ払いを利用している', 'EXILEの今のメンバーを全員言える', '車高を下げている', '中古車販売店で働いている', '肩パンをする', '職場で怒られたくないからギリギリの暗さの茶髪をしている', '軽トラックを改造している', 'ナンバープレートを傾けている', 'サッカーのユニフォームをよく着ている', 'ダーツバーに通っている', 'シーシャを吸う', 'マイナスイオンに金を出す', 'Xの認証に金を出す', 'Tinderのブーストに金を出す', 'LINEスタンプに金を出す', 'ゲーム『Fate/Grand Order』のガチャに金を出す', 'ワンピースで泣く', '浜崎あゆみで泣く', 'あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。で泣く', '進撃の巨人で泣く', '嵐のライブで泣く', '「ワンピ」と略す', '「あゆ」と略す', '「プリ」と略す', '「ジャニ」と略す', 'ジャグラーを「ジャグ」と略す', 'ワンピースで泣く', '浜崎あゆみで泣く', 'Tiktokのコメント欄でよくケンカする', 'カラオケで歌い手の曲を歌う', 'ディズニーランドの年間パスポートを持っている', '原宿系ファッションが好き', '100均でメイク用品を買う', 'LINEスタンプをたくさん持っている', 'パワースポット巡りが好き', 'Often get into fights in the TikTok comments section', 'Cries at Taylor Swift', 'Enjoys reality TV shows', 'Follows fashion influencers on Instagram', 'Has a collection of inspirational quotes', 'Knows how to change a tire', 'Follows a local sports team religiously', 'Has a nickname from high school that stuck', 'Drives a pickup truck', 'Has strong opinions on cryptocurrency despite not owning any', 'Has a friend who is a sheet metal worker', 'Owns at least one piece of Confederate flag merchandise', 'Wears sunglasses on the back of their head', 'Has never left their home state', 'Considers Walmart a cultural experience', 'Wears camo to formal events', "Knows all the words to 'Sweet Home Alabama'", 'Owns more than five pairs of cowboy boots', "Has a tattoo of their state's outline"]
.pressure_not_i[['Ali, the surgeon, talks to Bob. Bob, the patient, suspects that Ali is illiterate.', 'Ali tries to pair up with Bob in a death game. Bob, the attendee, suspects that Ali is illiterate.']]
rev_name fat
.habit_name only can has does abbr
life_insurance [] [][][][]
medicine ['I only take generics'] []['has a pillcase']['Count medication by sheet']['ベンゾ']
.tool [['Aloha Shirt'], [[], 'Injection', 'Drug', 'Inhaler', 'Crutches', 'Walking stick', 'Wheelchair', 'Walker', 'Organic snacks', 'Cigarettes', 'Health insurance', 'Supplements', 'Cigarettes', 'Alcohol', 'oxygen tanks for respiratory problems'], 'Scale', 'XXL clothes', 'Treadmill', 'Diet pills', 'diet soda', 'loposuction'], medicine
.spot [['Hospital'], 'Fast food restaurant']
.person [['Doctor', 'Lawyer', 'Emergency room']]
.know [["Ali: I'll tell you my blood sugar level. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their blood sugar levels.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I've had today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their calories everyday.", "Ali: I'll tell you my BMI. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you my steps today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I burned today. - Bob: Thin people don't know how many calories they burn daily.", 'The fact that it is better to ask a lawyer to draw up a will.', 'How to calculate BMI quickly', 'How to prepare for a colonoscopy', 'Difference between Blood sugar concentration and Blood sugar level', 'Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'Difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol', 'Difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance', 'Difference between Medicare and Medicaid', 'The differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'The legal structure of wills', 'The difference between a CT scan and an MRI', 'The impact of stress on cortisol levels', 'The difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy', 'How to properly use a glucometer', 'The different types of heart murmurs', 'The stages of liver cirrhosis'], "Ali: I'll tell you my weight this morning. - Bob: Thin people don't know their weight every morning.", "Ali: I'll tell you my favorite low-calorie snacks. - Bob: Thin people don't know their favorite low-calorie snacks.", "Ali: I'll tell you how I only drink Diet Coke. - Bob: Thin people don't drink Diet Coke.", 'maximum weight capacity of elevators', 'calorie count of the menues', 'average weight limit of the chairs', 'Fast food nutritional information', 'Diet terms, such as low-impact exercise.', 'BMI calculation formulas']
.rephrase ['beer: Water', 'french fry: Salad', 'french fry: vegetables', 'Bigmac: snack', 'salt: nutrition', 'ice cream: Calcium', 'bread: Vegetables', 'Porridge: Dinner']
.other ['was in the judo club when he was a student.', 'is a catcher in baseball.', 'is the drummer in a band.', 'often wears aloha shirts.', 'always takes the elevator, even for one floor.']
.pressure_not_i['Ali is looking for a date. Through the (phone, conversation with the matchmaker), Bob suspects that Ali is old.', 'Ali is ', ['Ali is trying to get life insurance. Bob, the insurance salesman, suspects that Ali is in poor health.', "Ali is trying to marry Bob's daughter. Bob, the father, suspects that Ali is in poor health, and suspects that his daughter is marrying off for the inheritance."]]
rev_name old
.habit_name only can has does abbr
life_insurance [] [][][][]
medicine ['I only take generics'] []['has a pillcase']['Count medication by sheet']['ベンゾ']
.tool [['Tailored blazer', 'Velcro shoes', 'Suspenders', 'Hearing aid', 'Fanny pack', 'Dentures'], [[], 'Injection', 'Drug', 'Inhaler', 'Crutches', 'Walking stick', 'Wheelchair', 'Walker', 'Organic snacks', 'Cigarettes', 'Health insurance', 'Supplements', 'Cigarettes', 'Alcohol', 'oxygen tanks for respiratory problems'], 'Hearing aid', 'Reading glasses', 'Dentures'], medicine
.spot [['Hospital'], 'Daycare', 'Nurshing home', 'Graveyard']
.person [['Doctor', 'Lawyer', 'Emergency room'], 'Caregiver']
.know [["Ali: I'll tell you my blood sugar level. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their blood sugar levels.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I've had today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their calories everyday.", "Ali: I'll tell you my BMI. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you my steps today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I burned today. - Bob: Thin people don't know how many calories they burn daily.", 'The fact that it is better to ask a lawyer to draw up a will.', 'How to calculate BMI quickly', 'How to prepare for a colonoscopy', 'Difference between Blood sugar concentration and Blood sugar level', 'Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'Difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol', 'Difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance', 'Difference between Medicare and Medicaid', 'The differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'The legal structure of wills', 'The difference between a CT scan and an MRI', 'The impact of stress on cortisol levels', 'The difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy', 'How to properly use a glucometer', 'The different types of heart murmurs', 'The stages of liver cirrhosis'], 'A few words in Vietnamese and Korean', 'The fragility of the M1 Garand', 'how unrealistic Full Metal Jacket is']
.rephrase ['30s people: kid', 'foreigners: Aliens', 'Vietnam War: The other day', 'Full Metal Jacket: A slice of life movie', 'mp3: tape', '韓国: 朝鮮', 'Russia: Soviet', 'film: A moving picture', 'radio: wireless', '児童相談所: 児相']
.other ['has a Baby Boomer name.', 'believes having his photograph taken takes away his soul.', 'buys hard candies in bulk.', 'wears socks with sandals.', 'goes to bed at 7pm.', "can't figure out how to use a smartphone.", 'thinks microwaves are dangerous.', 'go to check on his rice fields during a typhoon.', 'is being told by people around him to stop driving.', 'tries to fix the TV by hitting it.', "search history on Bob's smartphone showed 'Accelerator brake which'", 'has been afraid of flowers lately.', 's number of friends decreases regularly.', "didn't confuse the accelerator with the brake three times this year.", "surprised his family because he didn't drive the wrong way down the road.", 'proposed to his wife three times this year.', 'was surprised to realize that what he thought he had stepped on as the accelerator was the accelerator.', 'was surprised to find that the person he thought was his wife was his wife.', 'used to forget to close his zipper after urinating, but now he forgets to open it.', 'used to forget to turn the lights off, but now he forgets to turn them on.', 'used to forget to close the toilet seat, but now he forgets to open it.', 'used to forget to set his alarm, but now he forgets to turn it off.', 'used to forget to turn the TV off, but now he forgets to turn it on.', 'used to forget to close the door, but now he forgets to open it.', 'eats rolled eggs as medicine.', 'drinks milk as medicine.', 'smokes as a treatment for asthma.', 'takes cod liver oil for joint pain.', 'has some kind of chronic thing.', 'has some kind of metastatic thing.', 'finally got rid of his body odor recently.', 'finally stopped arguing with the TV.', 'finally stopped playing bingo every week.', 'finally stopped complaining of pain.', 'is afraid of flowers.', 'is afraid of Vietnamese, Koreans, Japanese, and Russians.', 'is afraid of snow.', 'is afraid of small characters.', 'is afraid of stairs', 'says the cushion is heavy.', 'knows the pros and cons of each painkiller.', 'has a favorite painkiller.', 'still buys paper porn.', "refers to the Vietnam War as 'the other day.'", 'thinks of Full Metal Jacket as a slice of life movie.', "Ali: I'm young so I'm fashion-conscious, I had a microwave before the boom.", "Ali: I'm young so I'm very into food trends. My favorite ethnic food is donuts.", "Ali: I'm young so I hate any music that's even slightly old. I think the Beatles are old-fashioned.", "Ali: I'm young so I like traveling abroad. I've been to Vietnam and Korea.", "Ali: I'm young so I'm tech-savvy, I can fix VHS players.", "Ali: I'm young so I'm a gamer, I'm good at Pac-Man.", "Ali: I'm young so I'm an environmentalist, I recycled cans for cash as a kid.", "Ali: I'm young so I'm into social media. I was on MySpace before the first boom.", "Ali: I'm young so I'm a music lover, I had a boombox in my room.", "Ali: I'm young so I like going out at night. I used to play outside until the streetlights came on."]
.pressure_not_i['Ali attempts to become an apprentice to an aging craftsman. Through the frosted glass, Bob suspects that Ali is old.', 'Ali is looking for a date. Through the (phone, conversation with the matchmaker), Bob suspects that Ali is old.', ['Ali is trying to get life insurance. Bob, the insurance salesman, suspects that Ali is in poor health.', "Ali is trying to marry Bob's daughter. Bob, the father, suspects that Ali is in poor health, and suspects that his daughter is marrying off for the inheritance."]]
rev_name poor
.habit_name only can has does abbr
pachinko ['I only play 1 yen pachinko'] [][][]['パチ', 'スロ']
drinking ['I only drink beer', 'I only drink liqueurs with an alcohol contend of less than 5 percent'] [][][][]
smoking ['I only smoke are 5mm tar ones', 'I only smoke IQOS'] ['Can share a cigarette light', 'Can roll cigarettes', 'can identify cigarette brands by their smell']['has a Zippo', 'has a cigarette case']['turns the pack upside down and slap to lid of the box against their other palm']['セッター', 'マイセン']
.tool [[], 'Food stamps', 'Earthen wall', 'Disposable chopsticks that have been washed and reused.', 'A bento with brown side dishes overall', 'Silver teeth', 'One-story house', 'House along a gutter', 'tooth decay', 'coupon'], smoking
.spot ['Soup kitchen', 'Homeless shelter']
.person ['Social worker', 'Charity worker', 'Pawn broker', 'Debt collector']
.know ["Ali: I'll tell you how much I made with Uber this month. - Bob: Rich people don't make money with Uber.", "Ali: I'll tell you how much I spent on customizing my Prius. - Bob: Rich people don't own Prius.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many side jobs I have. - Bob: Rich people don't need side jobs.", "Ali: I'll tell you how much I won in the lottery last week. - Bob: Rich people don't buy lottery.", 'Various payment term limits', 'What cannot be legally seized', 'Various discount systems', 'How to apply for tax deduction', 'Food bank locations, systems and hours', 'DIY home and car repair techniques', 'Public assistance program eligibility requirements', 'How to use payday loans']
.rephrase []
.other ['is close in age to his parents.', 'has many siblings.', 'has weird name.']
.pressure_not_i['Ali is looking for a date. Bob suspects that Ali is old.']
rev_name middle_aged
.habit_name only can has does abbr
life_insurance [] [][][][]
medicine ['I only take generics'] []['has a pillcase']['Count medication by sheet']['ベンゾ']
fishing ['I only play catch-and-release'] ['Can tie a fishing knot', 'Can identify different fish species'][][][]
mahjong ['I only play low stakes mahjong'] ['Can score calculation'][][]['サンマ', '点ピン']
pachinko ['I only play 1 yen pachinko'] [][][]['パチ', 'スロ']
drinking ['I only drink beer', 'I only drink liqueurs with an alcohol contend of less than 5 percent'] [][][][]
smoking ['I only smoke are 5mm tar ones', 'I only smoke IQOS'] ['Can share a cigarette light', 'Can roll cigarettes', 'can identify cigarette brands by their smell']['has a Zippo', 'has a cigarette case']['turns the pack upside down and slap to lid of the box against their other palm']['セッター', 'マイセン']
watching_baseball ['I only watch local games'] [][][]['ベイ']
bike ['I only ride scooters', 'I only ride 150 cc ones'] []['has bike gloves'][][]
golf ['I only play at the driving range'] [][][][]
car ['I only ride other than off-road'] ['Can change oil', 'Can choose a distributor instead of a dealer.'][][][]
.tool [['Tailored blazer', 'Classic loafers', 'Button-up shirt', 'Chinos or dress pants', 'Cashmere sweater'], 'Motorcycle', 'Cigarettes', 'Alcohol', 'Stress ball', 'Fishing tool', "Men's watch", "Men's razor"], car
.spot ['Home improvement store']
.person ['Doctor', 'Tax accountant']
.know [["Ali: I'll tell you my blood sugar level. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their blood sugar levels.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I've had today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their calories everyday.", "Ali: I'll tell you my BMI. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you my steps today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I burned today. - Bob: Thin people don't know how many calories they burn daily.", 'The fact that it is better to ask a lawyer to draw up a will.', 'How to calculate BMI quickly', 'How to prepare for a colonoscopy', 'Difference between Blood sugar concentration and Blood sugar level', 'Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'Difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol', 'Difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance', 'Difference between Medicare and Medicaid', 'The differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'The legal structure of wills', 'The difference between a CT scan and an MRI', 'The impact of stress on cortisol levels', 'The difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy', 'How to properly use a glucometer', 'The different types of heart murmurs', 'The stages of liver cirrhosis'], ["Ali: I'll tell you my blood sugar level. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their blood sugar levels.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I've had today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know their calories everyday.", "Ali: I'll tell you my BMI. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you my steps today. - Bob: Healthy people don't know how to calculate BMI so quickly.", "Ali: I'll tell you how many calories I burned today. - Bob: Thin people don't know how many calories they burn daily.", 'The fact that it is better to ask a lawyer to draw up a will.', 'How to calculate BMI quickly', 'How to prepare for a colonoscopy', 'Difference between Blood sugar concentration and Blood sugar level', 'Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'Difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol', 'Difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance', 'Difference between Medicare and Medicaid', 'The differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes', 'The legal structure of wills', 'The difference between a CT scan and an MRI', 'The impact of stress on cortisol levels', 'The difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy', 'How to properly use a glucometer', 'The different types of heart murmurs', 'The stages of liver cirrhosis'], 'How to use CD player', 'How to use public phone', 'How to use a VHS player', 'Difference between Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War', 'Difference between a credit score and a credit report']
.rephrase ['30s people: kid', 'foreigners: Aliens']
.other ['has started using a slow cooker for easy meals.', "blows on the USB that's hard to read, just like I would a Famicom cartridge.", "has started appreciating a good night's sleep over a night out.", 'has been investing in a comfortable recliner.', 'calls all home game consoles Family Computers.', 'can tell to some extent how humid the day will be by the pain in his joints.', 'says potatoes are sweet.', 'has recently started taking the stairs instead of the escalator.', 'knows the difference between various types of wood.', 'has started birdwatching as a hobby.', "has been turning the air conditioner on 'low' lately.", 'has started going to bed earlier and waking up later.', 'has started volunteering for local community events.', 'has a membership to a local library.', 'is familiar with the joy of finding a comfortable pair of slippers.', 'knows a lot about how to save money on insurance premiums.', 'can only eat cake if he has the energy.', "his bruises don't go away until two days later.", 'only talks to his friends about his knees and hips.', 'has a favorite brand of multivitamins.', 'uses a calculator to do division.', "likes to watch domestic tourist spots on TV that he'll never visit.", 'has a favorite brand of over-the-counter pain medication.']
.pressure_not_i['Ali is looking for a date. Through the (phone, conversation with the matchmaker), Bob suspects that Ali is old.']
rev_name unfunny
.habit_name only can has does abbr
pachinko ['I only play 1 yen pachinko'] [][][]['パチ', 'スロ']
drinking ['I only drink beer', 'I only drink liqueurs with an alcohol contend of less than 5 percent'] [][][][]
smoking ['I only smoke are 5mm tar ones', 'I only smoke IQOS'] ['Can share a cigarette light', 'Can roll cigarettes', 'can identify cigarette brands by their smell']['has a Zippo', 'has a cigarette case']['turns the pack upside down and slap to lid of the box against their other palm']['セッター', 'マイセン']
bike ['I only ride scooters', 'I only ride 150 cc ones'] []['has bike gloves'][][]
car ['I only ride other than off-road'] ['Can change oil', 'Can choose a distributor instead of a dealer.'][][][]
.tool [[]], car
.spot []
.person []
.know []
.rephrase []
.other []
rev_name non_virgin
.habit_name only can has does abbr
life_insurance [] [][][][]
medicine ['I only take generics'] []['has a pillcase']['Count medication by sheet']['ベンゾ']
fishing ['I only play catch-and-release'] ['Can tie a fishing knot', 'Can identify different fish species'][][][]
mahjong ['I only play low stakes mahjong'] ['Can score calculation'][][]['サンマ', '点ピン']
pachinko ['I only play 1 yen pachinko'] [][][]['パチ', 'スロ']
drinking ['I only drink beer', 'I only drink liqueurs with an alcohol contend of less than 5 percent'] [][][][]
smoking ['I only smoke are 5mm tar ones', 'I only smoke IQOS'] ['Can share a cigarette light', 'Can roll cigarettes', 'can identify cigarette brands by their smell']['has a Zippo', 'has a cigarette case']['turns the pack upside down and slap to lid of the box against their other palm']['セッター', 'マイセン']
watching_baseball ['I only watch local games'] [][][]['ベイ']
bike ['I only ride scooters', 'I only ride 150 cc ones'] []['has bike gloves'][][]
golf ['I only play at the driving range'] [][][][]
car ['I only ride other than off-road'] ['Can change oil', 'Can choose a distributor instead of a dealer.'][][][]
.tool [[['Tattoo', 'Pierced earrings', 'Misanga'], 'Crop top', 'Choker necklace', 'Platform sneakers'], 'Tie', "Men's watch", "Men's razor", 'Wristwatch', 'Motorcycle', 'Cigarettes', 'Alcohol', 'Sports car', 'Cologne', 'Large-displacement motorcycles', 'Pierced earrings', 'Light Hair Color'], car
.spot ['bar', 'night club', 'sports bar', 'pick up spot']
.person []
.know ["Ali: I'm chaste. I'll show you proof that I don't pay for Tinder. - Bob: Chaste women don't install Tinder.", "Ali: I'm chaste. Why don't you ask someone in the events club I belong to about it? - Bob: Chaste women don't belong to events club.", "Ali: I'm chaste. Why don't you ask my favorite fortune teller? - Bob: Chaste women don't use fortune telling.", "Ali: I'm chaste. My friends are all married. - Bob: Chaste women don't hang out with married people.", 'MLB players names', 'Difference Between Scooter and Bike', 'Diverse gift return and exchange policies', 'Difference between Guitar Brands', 'Difference between Whiskey and rum', 'How to calculate points in Mahjong', 'How to choose the right fishing equipment', 'How to choose the right golf clubs for your game', "Knows the jargon word 'safeword'", "Ali: I'm not a play girl. I attended an all-girls high school at the behest of my chaste parents. - Bob: Women like that are the ones who play around.", "Ali: I'm not a play girl. I'm a little ugly and a little fat. - Bob: Women like that are the ones who play around.", "Ali: I'm not a play girl. Men often tell me that I'm easy to talk to, like a male friend. - Bob: Women like that are the ones who play around.", "Ali: I'm not a play girl. I don't wear makeup and prefer a natural look. - Bob: Women like that are the ones who play around."]
.rephrase ['condom: rubber', '一万五千円: イチゴ']
.other ["Doesn't mind being told sexual jokes", 'has lost interest in good-looking men because she has been playing around with them too much.', 'Making fun of host clubs']
.pressure_not_i['Ali tries to marry a Muslim. Bob suspects that Ali is old.', 'Ali tries to become a shrine maiden. Bob suspects that Ali is old.']
rev_name nerd
.habit_name only can has does abbr
.tool [['Velcro shoes', 'Suspenders', 'Bow tie', 'Star Trek/Star Wars t-shirt', 'Graphic novel/comic book themed socks', 'Fishnet stockings', 'Oversized hoodie']], car
.spot []
.person []
.know ["Something that Windows has that macOS doesn't"]
.rephrase []
.other ['being proud of not crying when listening to Taylor Swift.', 'Uses a female protagonist in Pokémon', "can solve a Rubik's Cube in under a minute"]