SEED: 275987
hsi BEFORE REVEAL AFTER REVEAL(Ali is a {instance_name}, but he's a {hypo_i}, not a {hypo_s}.)
stereo Ali, a {instance_name}, is jealous of {hypo_s, hypo_s_pn} and looks down on {hypo_i, hypo_i_pn}. Ali executes {Appear}, {Action}, {Suffer}, {Effort}, {Slump}, {imposing}. Ali calls {rephrase[0]} {rephrase[1]}. Bob criticizes Ali using expressions from {agent_dont}.
pressure {pressure1}. Bob is mistaking Ali for a {hypo_s}
{pressure2}. Bob is annoyed by Ali.
{pressure3}. Bob needs help. Ali steps foward. Bob is mitaking Ali for a {hypo_s}.
Ali tries to sell {pressure4} to Bob. Bob is annoyed by Ali.
bottom Ali says {bottom_reveal} . Bob finds out that Ali is a {Bottom}.
sad_past Bob finds out that Ali's {Sad_past}. Bob says {sad_past_f}.
reverse_adj Ali executes {reverse_adj}. Bob criticizes this.
garnish {garnish} garnishes this sketch.
seer BEFORE REVEAL AFTER REVEAL(Bob {reverse_adj})
seed Ali talks with Bob, a {agent_name}. Ali has {did_a}. Ali says '{hard}'. Bob says '{advice}' Ali says 'I wanna {wanna}', 'Have I {did_a}?', '{hard}', 'This guy said to me '{advice}', 'Are there any {agent_name} who doesn't {reverse_adj}?'
garnish {garnish} garnishes this sketch.
instance_name singer
hypo_s ['singer']
hypo_s_pn ['Beyonce']
hypo_i ['idol', 'rapper', 'voice actor', 'impersonator']
hypo_i_pn ['Aquatimez', 'Orange range', 'Britney Spears']
Appear ['Many piercings', 'Many tattoos', 'Colorful hair', 'split tongue']
Action ['Suddenly starts writing music on paper', 'Hate edited music', 'Hate lip syncing', 'Writing songs about personal struggles', 'Engaging with fans during concerts', 'Changing lyrics mid-performance', '(art_sports == \'a\')', 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Lack of stage presence', 'Lack of versatility', 'The song arrangements are lacking', 'Uninspired Lyrics', 'Repetitive Melodies', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
Slump ['Trying to be the one who explains.', 'Start a restaurant.', 'Trying to be the one who teaches.', 'Appearing in advertisements for online casinos and marijuana.', 'Run for local council elections.', 'Suddenly start talking about environmental protection and feminism.', 'Appear in a show at a pachinko parlor.', 'playing country music and rapping.', 'Starts singing sexual songs with revealing clothes.', "Making a rockabilly arrangement of one's past hits.", 'Releasing a Christmas album', 'Collaborating with a DJ on EDM tracks', 'Starring in a reality TV show about their family']
imposing ['邦楽が好きな', '声が良い', 'リズム感のある', 'ステージ慣れした', 'カラオケ上手な', '表現力豊かな', '感性の豊かな', 'MCスキルが高い', '声の大きい', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
rephrase ['back chorus', 'lead vocalist', 'singing as a back chorus', 'performing']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', 'Bob, Ali\'s girlfriend\'s father, allows them to marry.', 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on singing songs in a different style than what the producer requested. The producer is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's constant vocal exercises at home are disturbing the neighbors. The neighbors are annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to perform a popular song during concerts, citing artistic reasons. The fans are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's late-night partying is affecting his voice and performance quality. The tour manager is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali insists on making last-minute changes to the setlist during live performances. The band members are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's public feud with another singer is causing negative publicity. The record label executive is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to promote his new album on social media hinders its success. The marketing team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's insistence on using a specific microphone that frequently malfunctions causes delays. The sound technician is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's unpredictable behavior during interviews creates awkward situations. The publicist is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's rivalry with another singer leads to tension and conflicts during collaborative projects. The collaboration manager is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali insists on playing a piece in a different style than what the conductor requested. The conductor is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali constantly interrupts rehearsals with his suggestions and modifications. The orchestra members are annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali refuses to participate in a promotional event for the orchestra, citing artistic integrity. The orchestra manager is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali starts a public argument with a music critic who gave him a negative review after a concert. The concert organizer is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's rivalry with another musician leads to tension and conflict during performances. The concertmaster is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his song', 'his CD', 'his music video', 'the poster']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a ['attended his show', ['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard ['Is music really this difficult?', ['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
wanna ['stop buying your work', 'stop being your patron']
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['center position']
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name classical_musician
hypo_s ['pianist', 'violinist']
hypo_s_pn ['Bach']
hypo_i ['cymbalist', 'trianglist']
Appear ['Formal black attire', 'Bow tie', 'Slicked-back hair', 'Round glasses', 'Pale complexion', 'Thin frame']
Action ['Suddenly starts writing music on paper', 'Hate edited music', 'Performing with a strict adherence to tradition', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Emotionless', 'lacking a clear message', 'Inability to play in different styles', 'Poor improvisation skills', 'Lack of stage presence', 'Inability to tune instrument properly', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', 'Sublimating one\'s trauma into a work of art', 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
Slump ['Trying to be the one who explains.', 'Start a restaurant.', 'Trying to be the one who teaches.', 'Appearing in advertisements for online casinos and marijuana.', 'Run for local council elections.', 'Suddenly start talking about environmental protection and feminism.', 'Appear in a show at a pachinko parlor.']
imposing ['家が金持ってた', 'クラシック通な', 'ステージ慣れした', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
rephrase ['drug addiction, crime, arrest, dispute', "rock'n'-roll, scandal, inspiration, rebellion, charisma", 'drug addiction', 'chemical muse', 'unemployment', 'retirement, career transition', 'self-neglect, self-harm', "rock'n'-roll", 'defeat, failure, mistake', 'learning experience, growth opportunity', 'mental illness, authism', "rock'n'-roll, charisma", 'infidelity', 'passionate love, romantic scandal', 'mental illness', 'artistic temperament']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on changing the setlist at the last minute without consulting the band. The band members are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's constant partying and late-night habits are affecting his performance. The band manager is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to play a fan-favorite song during concerts, citing artistic reasons. The fans are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's destructive behavior on stage leads to damage to the venue. The venue owner is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's insistence on using outdated equipment causes technical issues during performances. The sound engineer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali publicly criticizes the band's record label, causing tension and potential legal issues. The record label executive is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to participate in promotional activities hinders the band's publicity efforts. The publicist is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's rivalry with a member of another band leads to a public altercation. The music festival organizer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's unpredictable behavior and mood swings cause delays in recording sessions. The producer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his instrument', 'his video', 'his performance']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a ['attended his show', ['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard ['Is music really this difficult?', ['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
wanna ['stop buying your work', 'stop being your patron']
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name rock_musician
hypo_s ['guitarist', 'vocalist']
hypo_s_pn ['Beatles']
hypo_i ['bassist', 'cover band', 'impersonator']
Appear ['Many piercings', 'Many tattoos', 'Colorful hair', 'split tongue']
Action ['Suddenly starts writing music on paper', 'Hate edited music', 'Hate lip syncing', 'Writing songs about personal struggles', 'Engaging with fans during concerts', 'Throwing guitars during performances', 'Making spontaneous decisions about setlists', 'Refusing to play the same song twice in a row', 'Insisting on using vintage equipment', 'Hosting impromptu jam sessions', '(art_sports == \'a\')', 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Emotionless', 'lacking a clear message', 'Inability to play in different styles', 'Poor improvisation skills', 'Lack of stage presence', 'Inability to tune instrument properly', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
Slump ['Trying to be the one who explains.', 'Start a restaurant.', 'Trying to be the one who teaches.', 'Appearing in advertisements for online casinos and marijuana.', 'Run for local council elections.', 'Suddenly start talking about environmental protection and feminism.', 'Appear in a show at a pachinko parlor.']
imposing ['薬をやっている', 'ステージ慣れした', 'MCスキルが高い', '声の大きい', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
rephrase ['crash', 'crescendo', 'hitting cymbals', 'performing', 'cymbal stand', 'instrument stand', 'cymbal bag', 'instrument case', 'cymbal polish', 'instrument maintenance']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on singing songs in a different style than what the producer requested. The producer is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's constant vocal exercises at home are disturbing the neighbors. The neighbors are annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to perform a popular song during concerts, citing artistic reasons. The fans are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's late-night partying is affecting his voice and performance quality. The tour manager is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali insists on making last-minute changes to the setlist during live performances. The band members are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's public feud with another singer is causing negative publicity. The record label executive is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to promote his new album on social media hinders its success. The marketing team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's insistence on using a specific microphone that frequently malfunctions causes delays. The sound technician is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's unpredictable behavior during interviews creates awkward situations. The publicist is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's rivalry with another singer leads to tension and conflicts during collaborative projects. The collaboration manager is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his instrument', 'his video', 'his performance']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a ['attended his show', ['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard ['Is music really this difficult?', ['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
wanna ['stop buying your work', 'stop being your patron']
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['main guitar', 'main vocal']
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name comedian
hypo_s ['comedian']
hypo_s_pn ['Hitoshi Matsumoto']
hypo_i ['Vtuber', 'tv talent', 'voice actor', 'clown', '猿回し']
hypo_i_pn ['Tsuyoshi Muro']
Appear []
Action ['Claiming that only they understand true humor.', 'Mocking popular culture while secretly loving it.', 'Claiming that comedy should be offensive.', 'Refusing to adapt their style for modern audiences.', 'Refusing to engage with social media trends.', 'Blaming the audience for the lack of laughs.', 'Be hostile towards TikTok.', 'Hostile to political correctness.', 'Dislikes comedians who pander to young people and women', 'Being an atheist.', 'Refusing to laugh at other comedians\' jokes', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Dealing with cancel culture', 'Bombing on stage', 'Hecklers in the audience', 'Offensive jokes backfiring', 'Difficulty adapting to different audiences', 'Fear of being replaced by newer comedians', 'Being typecast in a particular style of comedy', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['People-watching', 'Turning personal tragedies into jokes', 'Making fun of themselves to deflect criticism', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
Slump ['Trying to be the one who explains.', 'Start a restaurant.', 'Trying to be the one who teaches.', 'Appearing in advertisements for online casinos and marijuana.', 'Run for local council elections.', 'Suddenly start talking about environmental protection and feminism.', 'Appear in a show at a pachinko parlor.', 'Doing magic tricks', 'Performing at retirement homes', 'Attempting to become a motivational speaker']
imposing ['明るい', 'ステージ慣れした', '声の大きい', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
rephrase ['clown makeup', 'hook', 'magic tricks', 'misdirection', 'hospital clown', 'comedian', 'funny faces', 'punch line', 'stage', 'hospital', '病院', 'ハコ']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's controversial jokes offend audience members. The club owner is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to adapt his material for different audiences. His manager is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's dark humor makes sponsors uncomfortable. The comedy festival director is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali insists on performing longer than his allotted time slot. The headlining comedian is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's social media rants about other comedians create industry drama. His agent is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to censor his act for a TV appearance causes problems. The network executive is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali\'s wife is annoyed by Ali.']
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his lines', 'his costume', 'his prop', 'his video']
reverse_adj ["unfunny", ["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
did_a ['attended his show']
hard ['Is comedy really this difficult?', ['Is society really this hard?']]
wanna ['stop buying your work', 'stop being your patron']
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name writer
hypo_s ['novelist']
hypo_s_pn ['Stephen King']
hypo_i ['Narou novelist', 'tabloid writer']
hypo_i_pn ['Hiro Mizushima']
Appear ['Wears a samue', 'Has a beard', 'Thin and pale', 'Messy hair']
Action ['Hate teen novels', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Deadline', 'Lacking hints', 'Lacking a clear message', 'Poor character development', 'Weak plot structure', 'Unrealistic dialogue', 'Lack of conflict', 'Cliche or predictable storylines', 'Poor world-building', 'Underdeveloped themes', 'Weak endings', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Researching historical events for accuracy', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
Slump ['Writing fan fiction', 'Writing erotic novels', 'Writing self-help books', 'Ghostwriting celebrity autobiographies']
imposing ['メンヘラな', '文章力のある', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
rephrase ['lying', 'creation', 'gossip', 'character development', 'clickbait', 'hook', 'expose', 'revealing chapter', 'tabloid', 'literary work', 'lie', 'fiction', 'lie', 'fantasy', 'fabrication', 'dramatization', 'tabloid writer', 'novelist', 'tabloid writer', 'creator', 'depression, anxiety', "writer's block, slump", 'mental illness', 'artistic temperament, charisma', 'unemployment', 'retirement, career transition', 'defeat, failure, mistake', 'learning experience, growth opportunity']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's perfectionism is causing him to miss deadlines. The editor is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali\'s body and mind are exhausted through over working. Ali\'s family is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali, a successful novelist, refuses to make revisions requested by his editor. The editor is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali, a novelist, constantly changes the plot of his book, frustrating his agent. The agent is annoyed by Ali..', "Ali's plagiarism accusations against a fellow writer are causing a stir in the literary community. The literary agent is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to compromise on his artistic vision is hindering the book's commercial success. The publisher is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's public criticism of the judges' decision in a literary award is damaging his reputation. The literary award committee is annoyed by Ali..", 'Ali insists on rewriting the entire manuscript just days before the printing deadline. The publishing house CEO is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali starts a heated debate with a literary critic who gave his book a negative review at a literary festival. The festival organizer is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Ghost Writer']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['the sound of him reading his manuscript aloud', 'his book']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a ['red his work', ['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard ['Is literature really this difficult?', ['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
wanna ['stop buying your work', 'stop being your patron']
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name artist
hypo_s ['artist']
hypo_s_pn ['Picasso']
hypo_i ['contemporary artist', 'Hentai manga artist']
hypo_i_pn ['Toru Mitsumune']
Appear ['Many piercings', 'Many tattoos', 'Colorful hair']
Action ["(art_sports == 'a')", 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Emotionless', 'lack of creativity', 'unoriginal style', 'lack of craftsmanship', 'Struggles with Proportions', 'Weak anatomy knowledge', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
Slump ['Trying to be the one who explains.', 'Start a restaurant.', 'Trying to be the one who teaches.', 'Appearing in advertisements for online casinos and marijuana.', 'Run for local council elections.', 'Suddenly start talking about environmental protection and feminism.', 'Appear in a show at a pachinko parlor.', 'Use excrement and genital as motifs.', 'Presenting a blank canvas or just trash as a work of art.']
imposing ['メンヘラな', '創造力豊かな', '感性の豊かな', '表現力のある', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his work']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a ['attended his show', ['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard ['Is art really this difficult?', ['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
wanna ['stop buying your work', 'stop being your patron']
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name doctor
hypo_s ['neurosurgeon', 'cardiologist']
hypo_i ['dermatologist', 'internist', 'nurse', 'dentist']
Appear ['White coat', 'Messy hair']
Action []
Suffer ["The trauma of not being able to save a patient's life.", 'Slump', 'Children\'s school fees', 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump []
imposing ['物知りな', '人体に詳しい', '冷静な判断ができる', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali is in despair due to the trauma of not being able to cure his patients. His (family, coworker) is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend\'s father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy', 'Suddenly ill']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['the hospital sign']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
does_b ["holds people's lives in their hands", "cuts people's bodies"]
did_a ['was cut by him', 'was cured by him']
hard ['I had no idea treating cancer would be this hard', ['Is society really this hard?']]
advice ['I wanna be of help to you.']
wanna ['stop treatment', 'change my doctor']
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
allowed_garnish ['LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name researcher
hypo_s ['mathematician', 'physicist']
hypo_s_pn ['Einstein']
hypo_i ['gender studies researcher']
hypo_i_pn ['Chizuruko Ueno']
Appear ['White coat', 'Messy hair', "Has bags under one's eyes", 'Carries around a clipboard', 'using a wheelchair']
Action ['Starting a religion after overthinking it', 'Suddenly starts writing mathematical formulas on the wall.', 'Unable to understand others\' feelings.', 'Forgetting to eat or sleep while working on a problem', 'Wearing mismatched or stained clothing', 'Carrying around stacks of papers and books everywhere', 'Muttering to themselves while pacing']
Suffer ['Plagiarism', 'Not being able to get research funding', 'Has white hair', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump ['Focusing on quantity over quality of publications', 'Engaging in pseudoscience or fringe theories', 'Becoming a paid consultant for industries related to their field', 'Writing popular science books that oversimplify complex topics', 'Appearing on sensationalist documentaries or TV shows']
imposing ['物知りな', '専門知識のある', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend\'s father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Bomb Defusal', 'Death Game', 'Zombie Pandemic']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['his book', 'the school sign']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
does_b ['uncovers the truth']
hard ['is academics really this difficult?', ['Is society really this hard?']]
advice ['I wanna uncover the truth']
wanna ['stop learning from you']
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name actor
hypo_s ['Hollywood star']
hypo_s_pn ['Gary Oldman']
hypo_i ['TV drama actor', 'Porn actor', 'ASMR actor', 'Karaoke background video actor', 'extra', 'commercial actor', 'stuntman']
hypo_i_pn ['Stallone']
Appear []
Action ['Looking down on lighting engineers and cinematographers.Constantly practicing lines in public', 'Name-dropping famous directors or actors', "Insisting on being called by their character's name", 'Refusing to break character even off-set', 'Demanding specific brands of bottled water on set', 'Throwing tantrums when not given enough screen time', 'Obsessing over their appearance and plastic surgery', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Physical injuries from stunts', 'Pressure to maintain a certain physical appearance', 'The damage caused by method acting', 'Unconvincing Performances', 'Difficulty with Accents/Dialects', 'Overacts', 'lack of stage presence', 'Lack of character depth', 'Inability to improvise', 'Lack of chemistry with co-stars', 'Lacking hints', 'Lacking a clear message', 'Poor character development', 'Weak plot structure', 'Unrealistic dialogue', 'Lack of conflict', 'Cliche or predictable storylines', 'Poor world-building', 'Underdeveloped themes', 'Weak endings', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Method acting', 'Physical transformation for roles', 'Taking specialized classes (e.g., dance, martial arts)', 'Performing own stunts', 'Extensive research for historical roles', 'Learning new languages for international productions', 'Undergoing extreme weight changes', 'Continues to play the role in his private life.', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
Slump ['Trying to be the one who explains.', 'Start a restaurant.', 'Trying to be the one who teaches.', 'Appearing in advertisements for online casinos and marijuana.', 'Run for local council elections.', 'Suddenly start talking about environmental protection and feminism.', 'Appear in a show at a pachinko parlor.', 'Starring in a low-budget movie with sharks', 'Appearing on a TV shopping show']
imposing ['映画好きな', '表現力豊かな', '感情表現の上手い', 'カメラ慣れした', '声の大きい', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
rephrase ['[porn], [romance]', '[having sex], [love scene]', '[undercover porn], [suspense movie]', '[BDSM], [violence action]', '[BDSM], [psycho thriller]', '[porn star], [actor]', '[porn], [PG-rated movie]', '[adult film], [indie film]', '[porn star], [co-actor]', '[money shot], [climactic scene]', '[fluffer], [production assistant]', '[squirter], [side character]', '[squirter], [extra]', '[solo tease], [monodrama]', '[medieval], [epic drama]', '[nurse], [medical dramas]', '[cum shot], [final scene]', '[gangbang], [ensemble cast]', '[dildo], [prop]', 'weight gain', 'method acting, character transformation', 'plastic surgery', 'career investment, image enhancement', 'typecasting', 'signature role, iconic performance', 'unemployment', 'selective career choices, between projects', 'public meltdown', 'passionate outburst, intense emotion', 'scandal', 'publicity, career-defining moment', 'rehab', 'personal growth journey, career reset', 'aging', 'seasoned performer, distinguished veteran', 'divorce', 'high-profile romance, tabloid sensation', 'paparazzi altercation', 'defending privacy, standing up to media intrusion']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["After failing an audition, Ali goes to the director's house. The director is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's body and mind are exhausted through method acting. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali is vocal with the director about the script and acting. The director is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali constantly interrupts the rehearsal with his suggestions. The lead actor is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali insists on multiple retakes for a minor scene. The crew is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali stages a one-man protest outside a theater that rejected him. The theater owner is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his lines', 'his costume', 'his prop', 'his video', 'the poster', 'his filming location']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['starring']
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name chef
hypo_s ['French chef']
hypo_s_pn ['Michelin restaurant chef']
hypo_i ['Fast food restaurant employee', 'Jiro inspire employee', 'Kitchen staff of Karaoke', 'Kitchen staff of hotpillow hotel']
hypo_i_pn ['McDonalds']
Appear ['Kaiser moustache', 'Being fat', 'Wears a neckerchief', 'Has a thick accent']
Action ['Getting angry at customers for using condiments', 'Yelling at kitchen staff', 'Striving for Michelin stars', 'Taking pride in sourcing ingredients locally', 'Focus on seasonal ingredients', 'Focus on pesticide-free ingredients']
Suffer ['Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump ['Start serving curry with superficial knowledge', 'Serve trendy food with superficial knowledge', 'Opening a food truck', 'Starting a catering business']
imposing ['食事に気を使ってる', '味覚の鋭い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
rephrase ['[French fry], [French cuisine]', '[Patty], [Steak]', '[Teriyaki Burger], [Japanese cuisine]', '[Happy Meal], [Full course meal]', "[McDonald's employee], [Chef]", "[McDonald's], [restaurant]", "[Cashier], [Maitre d' station]", '[Part-time worker], [Apprentice]']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking his team member for advice. The team member is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes his team member for not being enthusiastic. The team member is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Doping material']
revealer ['the restaurant sign', 'his uniform', 'his cuisine']
reverse_adj ["unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name athlete
hypo_s ['baseball player']
hypo_s_pn ['Kyojin player']
hypo_i ['billiards player', 'darts player', 'race walker']
hypo_i_pn ['DeNA player']
Appear ['Muscular build', 'Athletic wear', 'Sweatbands', 'Sports gear', 'Taped joints or limbs', 'Shaved body', 'Visible tan lines', 'Team jersey or uniform', 'Dreadlocks']
Action ['Splurge', 'Bullying nerds', 'Support the Republican Party', 'Trash Talk', 'meathead', 'Partying excessively', 'Constantly flexing muscles', 'Overusing sports metaphors in conversation', 'Ignoring injuries to keep playing', 'Developing superstitious pre-game rituals', 'Displaying trophies prominently', 'Challenging others to physical contests', 'Downplaying academic achievements', 'Overreacting to minor injuries', 'Having a personal trainer', 'Being overly competitive', 'Promoting sports brands on social media', 'Creating workout videos or blogs', 'Converse with tools', 'Arguing about whether weight training is necessary or not', 'Having a favorite sports movie they reference frequently', 'Attending every game of their favorite team', "Breaking equipment in anger over one's own mistake", 'Posting workout selfies', "Critiquing others' techniques"]
Suffer ['Career-ending injuries', 'Pressure from fans and media', 'Doping scandals', 'Burnout', 'Post-retirement depression', 'Eating disorders', 'Chronic pain', 'Concussions and long-term brain damage', 'Stalker', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Intense physical training', 'Strict diet regimen', 'Ice baths for recovery', 'Altitude training', 'Studying opponents', 'Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule', 'Practicing mindfulness', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump ['Trying to be the one who explains.', 'Start a restaurant.', 'Trying to be the one who teaches.', 'Appearing in advertisements for online casinos and marijuana.', 'Run for local council elections.', 'Suddenly start talking about environmental protection and feminism.', 'Appear in a show at a pachinko parlor.', 'Endorsing questionable health products or fad diets', 'Appearing on reality TV shows', 'Becoming a motivational speaker for corporate events', 'Trying to switch to another sport.']
imposing ['食事に気を使ってる', '体力のある', '筋肉質な', '反射神経の良い', '競争心の強い', 'ストイックな', '体の柔軟な', 'スポーツマンシップのある', 'チームワークの良い', '瞬発力のある', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
rephrase ['e-sports', 'indoor sports', 'tenosynovitis', 'ligament injury', 'billiards', 'indoor sports', 'billiards players', 'athletes', 'table', 'field', 'pool hall', 'arena', 'injury', 'badge, medal', 'doping', 'performance enhancement', 'unemployment', 'retirement, career transition', 'defeat, failure, mistake', 'learning experience, growth opportunity', 'trip', 'training camp', 'exercise, leisure, hobby, recreation, healthy living, fitness', 'training, sport, match', 'being friendly', 'teamwork', 'gathering', 'team activity', 'outing', 'field experience, match, sport', 'friend', 'team member', 'bodily punishment', 'assault ']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["After being dropped from the regular lineup, Ali goes to the manager's house and urges him to reconsider. The manager is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's body and mind are exhausted through over training. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a poor athlete, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, convinced he's the next big sports star, starts acting cocky and arrogant towards his teammates. The team is annoyed by Ali. ", 'Ali, a trainer, trains his teammates hard. The teammates is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali, a renowned athlete, refuses to endorse a sponsor\'s product. The sponsor is annoyed by Ali. ', "Ali's gambling addiction leads to financial problems and missed practices. The team captain is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's rivalry with a player from another team escalates into a physical altercation. The league commissioner is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali shows up uninvited to a rival team's practice session to challenge their star player. The rival coach is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a chef, refuses to accommodate a gourmet's detailed orders. The gourmet is annoyed by Ali. ", 'Ali, a chef, constantly makes changes to the menu without consulting the owner. The owner is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy', 'Life Saving Scene', 'Death Game', 'Zombie Pandemic']
pressure4 ['Doping Material', 'lesson', 'text', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his sports gear', 'his video']
reverse_adj ["unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['First team']
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name criminal
hypo_s ['murder', 'terrorist']
hypo_s_pn ['Jeffrey Dahmer']
hypo_i ['groper', 'voyeurist', 'shoplifter']
hypo_i_pn ['Jared Fogle']
Appear ['Unkempt appearance', 'Wild eyes', 'Scars or burn marks', 'Twitchy movements', 'Wears all black', 'Clown-like makeup', 'Disheveled hair', 'Pale skin', 'Bloodstained clothing', 'Ritualistic tattoos', 'Leather gloves', 'Creepy mask']
Action ['Talking to imaginary friends', 'Dissected a cat as a child', 'Collecting trophies from victims', 'Taking hostages', 'Destroying evidence', 'Defecting/fleeing the country', 'Turning oneself in', 'Writing manifestos', 'Obsessively stalking targets', 'Creating elaborate traps or puzzles', 'Claim responsibility', 'Leaving cryptic clues at crime scenes', 'Sending taunting messages to police', 'Developing a signature kill method', 'Creating disturbing artwork related to their crimes', 'Displaying a fascination with death and decay', 'Maintaining a calm demeanor during interrogations', 'Keeping detailed journals of crimes', 'Ritualistic behavior before or after crimes', 'Creating alter egos or personas', 'Using humor to mask sinister intentions', 'Forming chaotic alliances with other criminals']
Suffer ['Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Study law', 'Remove his fingerprints', 'Study security technologies', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump []
imposing ['反社会的な', '冷酷な', '予測不可能な', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
rephrase ['shoplifting', 'looting', 'County Sheriff', 'State power', 'arrest', 'capture', 'parole', 'clemency', 'forced to wear a GPS ankle strap.', 'monitored by satellite.']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy', 'Death Game', 'Zombie Pandemic', 'Undercover Operation']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['a newspaper article about him', 'he re-enact the crime.']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['Repeat offender', 'wanted criminal']
allowed_garnish ['HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name examinee
hypo_s ['national university examinee']
hypo_s_pn ['MIT examinee']
hypo_i ['driving school examinee', 'low tier university examinee']
hypo_i_pn ['Tokyo Mode Gakuen examinee']
Suffer ['Exam pressure', 'Health issues due to long study hours', 'Intense competition', 'Balancing study and personal life', 'Fear that one failure will affect future', 'Pressure from parents and teachers', 'Self-loathing and loss of confidence', 'Deterioration of relationships with friends', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Study all night', 'Making flashcards', 'Memorizing', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump []
imposing ['計画的な', '記憶力の良い', '自己管理のできる', '知識欲の強い', '粘り強い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali\'s mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali\'s family is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], ["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
modifier ['A grade', 'passed for active duty']
allowed_garnish ['HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name student
hypo_s ['national university student']
hypo_s_pn ['MIT student']
hypo_i ['driving school student', 'low tier university student']
hypo_i_pn ['Tokyo Mode Gakuen student']
Suffer ['Exam pressure', 'Health issues due to long study hours', 'Intense competition', 'Balancing study and personal life', 'Fear that one failure will affect future', 'Pressure from parents and teachers', 'Self-loathing and loss of confidence', 'Deterioration of relationships with friends', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Study all night', 'Making flashcards', 'Memorizing', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump []
imposing ['計画的な', '記憶力の良い', '自己管理のできる', '知識欲の強い', '粘り強い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], ["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
modifier ['A grade', 'passed for active duty']
allowed_garnish ['HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name gambler
hypo_s ['poker pro']
hypo_i ['coin pusher player', 'lottery addicted']
Appear ['Disheveled appearance', 'Dark circles under eyes', 'Nervous twitches', 'Flashy jewelry', 'Expensive watch', 'Rumpled suit', 'Cigarette in hand', 'Fidgeting with chips or cards', 'Sunglasses indoors', 'Sweaty brow', 'Loosened tie', 'Rolled-up sleeves', 'Has a red pencil on his ear.']
Action ['Constantly checking scores or results', 'Borrowing money from friends and family', 'Lying about whereabouts or activities', 'Skipping work or important events to gamble', 'Celebrating wins extravagantly', 'Becoming irritable when unable to gamble', 'Hiding betting slips or casino receipts', 'Making increasingly risky bets', 'Talking excessively about past wins', 'Chasing losses with bigger bets', 'Steal money']
Suffer ['Addiction to gambling', 'Financial ruin', 'Depression and anxiety', 'Lying to cover losses', 'Chasing losses', 'Neglecting work or family responsibilities', 'Legal troubles', 'Substance abuse as a coping mechanism', 'Suicidal thoughts', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Learning math', 'Creating and checking statistical data', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump []
imposing ['債務者の', 'リスク好きな', '運の良い', '勝負強い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali\'s wife is annoyed by Ali.']
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['his gambling paraphernalia']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name progamer
hypo_s ['apex pro', 'siege pro']
hypo_s_pn ['Umehara']
hypo_i ['coin pusher player', 'water game player']
Appear ['Headset', 'Gaming chair', 'Energy drinks', 'Junk food', 'Eyeglasses', 'Acne', 'Poor posture', 'Headaches', 'Back pain', 'Wrist pain', 'Messy hair', 'Dark circles under eyes', 'Skinny build', 'Multiple monitors', 'RGB lighting', 'Wrist brace']
Action ['Trash talking opponents', 'Celebrating wins excessively', 'Skipping meals to practice', 'Neglecting personal hygiene', 'Becoming irritable when unable to play', 'Bragging about ranking or skills', 'Forming rivalries with other players', 'Rage quitting', 'Streaming for hours', 'Using gaming slang in everyday conversation']
Suffer ['Luck-based', 'Unbalanced ', 'Lack of content updates', 'Limited customization options', 'Pay-to-win elements or microtransactions', 'Lack of endgame content', 'Repetitive gameplay', 'Poor UI design', 'Lack of player agency', 'Buggy or glitchy performance', 'Limited replay value', 'Inconsistent difficulty levels', 'Weak or unengaging narrative', 'Repetitive Strain Injury', 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome', 'Eye strain', 'Addiction to gaming', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Intense physical training', 'Strict diet regimen', 'Studying opponents', 'Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule', 'Practicing mindfulness', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump []
imposing ['ゲーム好きな', '反射神経の良い', 'チームワークの良い', '競争心の強い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
rephrase ['[rock paper scissors], [PvP game]', '[Rock paper scissors], [Luck based]', '[Hand], [Input commands]', '[Win], [Kill]', '[Player], [Casual player]', '[Win rate], [K/D]', '[Rock can beat paper], [Rock is meta of paper]', '[Rock loses to paper, paper loses to scissors, and scissors loses to rock], [Metagame, Rule, 環境]', '[Luck], [RNG]', '[Losing], [Feeding]', '[Throw], [Input]', '[Hand shape], [UI]', '[Opponent], [Enemy]', '[Beginner], [Noob]']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on using unconventional strategies during team matches. The team captain is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's constant trash-talking during streams is damaging the team's reputation. The team manager is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to practice with the team, claiming he performs better solo. The coach is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's rage-quitting during an important tournament match costs the team a victory. The tournament organizer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's addiction to gaming leads to neglect of his physical health and missed team meetings. The team doctor is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali publicly criticizes the game developers for balance issues after a loss. The esports league commissioner is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's rivalry with a player from another team escalates into a real-life confrontation. The event security is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to practice with the team, claiming he\'s already skilled enough. His teammates are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's overly competitive nature leads him to sabotage his teammates during scrimmages. His teammates are annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['his game screen', 'his game gear']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
modifier ['First team']
allowed_garnish ['HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name teacher
hypo_s ['national university professor']
hypo_s_pn ['MIT professor']
hypo_i ['driving school teacher', 'low tier university teacher', 'kindergarten teacher', 'sewing class teacher', 'special education teacher', 'elective teacher']
hypo_i_pn ['Kumon teacher', 'Tokyo Mode Gakuen professor']
Appear ['Glasses', 'Cardigan sweater', 'Sensible shoes', 'Messy bun or ponytail', 'Lanyard with ID badge', 'Tote bag full of papers', 'Elbow patches on jacket', 'Chalk dust on clothes', 'Coffee stains', 'Comfortable, modest clothing', 'Practical hairstyle', 'Minimal makeup', 'Wristwatch', 'Reading glasses on a chain', 'Colorful, quirky accessories']
Action ['Have students write the same word on the board multiple times.', 'Giving pop quizzes unexpectedly', 'Showing favoritism in grading', 'Writing motivational quotes on the board', 'gets angry when students go to cram schools or prep schools', "Constantly correcting others' grammar", 'Carrying a red pen everywhere', 'Assigning homework on weekends and holidays', 'Favoring certain students', 'Talking in a condescending tone', 'Struggling with technology in the classroom', 'Drinking excessive amounts of coffee']
Suffer ['punk', 'Pressure from parents and administration', 'Lack of autonomy in curriculum decisions', 'Testing pressure', 'Large class sizes', 'bullying', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Creating engaging lesson plans', 'Mentoring students outside of class hours', 'Pursuing advanced degrees', 'physical punishment', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
Slump []
imposing ['教育熱心な', '子供思いの', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on teaching the curriculum in his own unconventional way. The principal is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's constant changes to the lesson plan confuse the students. The students are annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to participate in standardized testing preparations, citing educational philosophy. The school board is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's insistence on assigning unconventional homework frustrates parents. The parents are annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's insistence on grading students based on non-traditional criteria causes complaints. The school counselor is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali\'s overly strict discipline methods lead to student protests. The student council is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['his blackboard', 'his textbook']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
does_b ['leads children']
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
modifier ['Tenured']
instance_name farmer
hypo_s ['vineyard farmer', 'apple farmer']
hypo_i ['Parsley Farmer', 'Farmer growing grapes for gummy']
Appear ['Overalls', 'Plaid shirt', 'Straw hat', 'Work boots', 'Sunburned skin', 'Calloused hands', 'Weathered face', "Farmer's tan", 'Dirt under fingernails', 'Faded jeans', 'Bandana', 'Belt buckle', 'Leather work gloves', 'Seed company cap']
Action ['Complaining about weather', 'Waking up at dawn', 'Wearing overalls and a straw hat', 'Chewing on a piece of straw', 'Talking about crop prices', 'Distrusting city folk', 'Attending county fairs', "Participating in farmers' markets", 'Driving a tractor on public roads', 'Using farming metaphors in conversation']
Suffer ['Crop failures due to weather', 'Market price fluctuations', 'Equipment breakdowns', 'Debt from loans', 'Physical strain and injuries', 'Eviction request', 'Isolation in rural areas', 'Pressure to adopt new technologies', 'Regulatory challenges', 'Competition from large agribusinesses', 'Succession planning difficulties', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Waking up before dawn', 'Implement organic farming.', 'Working long hours in all weather conditions', 'Continuous learning about crop science and animal husbandry', 'Maintaining and repairing equipment', 'Soil management and conservation practices', 'Implementing sustainable farming techniques', 'Adapting to changing climate patterns', 'Market research and business planning', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['広い土地持ってる', '田舎に住んでる', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on using organic methods despite lower yields. The farm owner is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali refuses to use pesticides, leading to increased pest damage. The neighboring farmers are annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali\'s stubborn adherence to traditional farming methods slows down production. The farm workers are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's push for sustainable practices increases short-term costs. The farm's financial advisor is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to sell to large supermarket chains affects the farm's profits. The sales manager is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his crops', 'his farm']
reverse_adj ["unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
does_b ['makes the food people eat']
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['organic']
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name director
hypo_s ['director']
hypo_s_pn ['S.Spielberg']
hypo_i ['commercial director', 'porn film director']
hypo_i_pn ['Toru Muranishi']
Appear ['Beret or flat cap', 'Thick-rimmed glasses', 'Scarf', 'Black turtleneck', 'Blazer with elbow patches', 'Cargo vest with many pockets', 'Comfortable, worn-in shoes', 'Stubble or well-groomed beard', 'Vintage watch', 'Messenger bag or satchel', 'Sunglasses (even indoors)', 'Quirky, statement jewelry', 'Fashionable, yet practical clothing', 'Artsy, unconventional hairstyle', "Director's chair with name on it", 'Viewfinder around neck']
Action ['Constantly wearing a beret or scarf', 'Using a megaphone unnecessarily', 'Obsessively rewatching their own films', 'Making grandiose statements about the power of cinema', 'Insisting on unnecessary multiple takes', "Dramatically yelling 'cut!' and 'action!'", 'Refusing to compromise on artistic vision', 'Micromanaging every aspect of production', 'Giving long, pretentious interviews about their craft', 'Carrying a viewfinder everywhere', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Budget constraints', 'Creative differences with producers', 'Pressure to meet box office expectations', 'Negative critical reviews', 'Challenges with difficult actors', 'Technical issues during filming', 'Post-production problems', 'Distribution hurdles', 'Balancing artistic vision with commercial viability', 'Lacking hints', 'Lacking a clear message', 'Poor character development', 'Weak plot structure', 'Unrealistic dialogue', 'Lack of conflict', 'Cliche or predictable storylines', 'Poor world-building', 'Underdeveloped themes', 'Weak endings', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Storyboarding extensively', 'Scouting locations', "Studying others' films and classic films", 'Experimenting with new filming techniques', 'Collaborating closely with actors and crew', 'Fundraising for independent projects', 'Attending film festivals', 'Repeatedly does retakes', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
imposing ['映画好きな', '表現力豊かな', '感情表現の上手い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
rephrase ['[porn], [romance]', '[having sex], [love scene]', '[undercover porn], [suspense movie]', '[BDSM], [violence action]', '[BDSM], [psycho thriller]', '[porn star], [actor]', '[porn], [PG-rated movie]', '[adult film], [indie film]', '[porn star], [co-actor]', '[money shot], [climactic scene]', '[fluffer], [production assistant]', '[squirter], [side character]', '[squirter], [extra]', '[solo tease], [monodrama]', '[medieval], [epic drama]', '[nurse], [medical dramas]', '[cum shot], [final scene]', '[gangbang], [ensemble cast]', '[dildo], [prop]']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's perfectionism leads to constant reshoots, causing the production to go over budget. The producer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali refuses to compromise on his artistic vision, jeopardizing the film's commercial viability. The studio executive is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's micromanagement of actors' performances is causing tension on set. The lead actor is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's last-minute script changes are causing chaos in the production schedule. The production manager is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's insistence on filming in a dangerous location is raising safety concerns. The stunt coordinator is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's constant arguments with the editor about the final cut are delaying the film's release. The distributor is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's public criticism of the film's marketing strategy is creating negative publicity. The marketing team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to work within the agreed budget is straining relationships with investors. The film's financier is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['the lines', 'the costumes', 'the props', 'the videos', 'the posters', 'his filming location']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name model
hypo_s ['fashion model']
hypo_s_pn ['G.Bundchen']
hypo_i ['hand model', 'parts model']
Appear ['Tall and slender figure', 'High cheekbones', 'Long legs', 'Perfect skin', 'Symmetrical facial features', 'Styled hair', 'Designer clothing', 'High heels', 'Minimal makeup', 'Manicured nails', 'Confident posture', 'Sunglasses', 'Statement jewelry', 'Visible collarbones', 'Toned physique']
Action ['Walking with exaggerated hip movements', 'Constantly checking appearance in mirrors', 'Posing for selfies frequently', 'Dieting excessively', 'Attending fashion shows and parties', 'Networking aggressively with industry professionals', 'Practicing facial expressions and poses', 'Complaining about uncomfortable high heels', 'Discussing latest beauty treatments', 'Maintaining a strict skincare routine', 'Doing yoga or pilates regularly', 'Endorsing products on social media', 'Comparing themselves to other models', 'Rushing to castings and photo shoots', 'Meticulously planning outfits for events']
Suffer ['Body image issues', 'Pressure to maintain unrealistic beauty standards', 'Casting couch', 'Constant scrutiny of physical appearance', 'Age-related career decline', 'Eating disorders', 'Social media harassment', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Networking with industry professionals', 'Maintaining a strict diet and fitness regimen', 'Practicing poses and walks', 'Attending casting calls and auditions regularly', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['おしゃれな', '写真映えする', '身だしなみの良い', 'スタイリッシュな', '魅力的な', '立ち振る舞いの美しい', '体型維持に気を使う', '流行に敏感な', '見た目の良い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali, a model, constantly criticizes the photographer's vision during a photoshoot. The photographer is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali shows up late to a major fashion show, causing delays. The show director is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali refuses to wear an outfit chosen by the stylist, insisting on their own selection. The stylist is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's demanding behavior and excessive requests are frustrating the makeup artist. The makeup artist is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's insistence on specific lighting is causing delays on set. The lighting technician is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's constant diet talk and food restrictions are irritating other models during a group shoot. The other models are annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to walk in shoes provided for the runway show is causing last-minute changes. The shoe designer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's public criticism of a fashion brand they're contracted with is causing tension. The brand's PR team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's excessive social media use during a closed set shoot is disrupting the work flow. The production manager is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's demands for retouching on already published photos are causing extra work. The retouching artist is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his wears', 'his media']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['Runway', 'exclusive']
instance_name guard
hypo_s ['cop', 'bodyguard']
hypo_s_pn ['Secret Service']
hypo_i ['mall security', 'nightclub bouncer', 'school crossing guard']
Appear ['Uniform with badge', 'Utility belt', 'Earpiece', 'Sunglasses', 'Crew cut or short hair', 'Muscular build', 'Stern facial expression', 'Combat boots', 'Visible tattoos', 'Clean-shaven face', 'Bulletproof vest', 'Name tag', 'Flashlight', 'Walkie-talkie', 'Neatly pressed clothes', 'Military-style posture', 'Blood type tattoo', 'scar']
Action ['Has military experience', 'Speaks in code over radio', 'Wears sunglasses at night', 'Constantly scans surroundings', 'Stands with hands clasped in front', 'Touches earpiece frequently', 'Uses excessive force when provoked', 'Drinks coffee excessively during night shifts', 'Develops paranoia over time', 'Has a tough, stoic demeanor']
Suffer ['Monotonous work', 'Long hours and night shifts', 'Lack of recognition', 'Stress from constant vigilance', 'Physical strain from standing for long periods', 'Dealing with aggressive individuals', 'Post-traumatic stress from violent incidents', 'Social isolation due to irregular work hours', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Physical fitness training', 'Self-defense classes', 'Surveillance skills development', 'Conflict resolution training', 'First aid certification', 'Night shifts', 'Continuous situational awareness', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['防犯意識の高い', '監視カメラに詳しい', '巡回ルートを知り尽くした', '防犯ベルに敏感な', '警戒心の強い', '観察力の鋭い', '護身術に長けた', '緊急時の対応力がある', '危険予知能力が高い', '規律正しい', '冷静沈着な', '状況判断力に優れた', 'チームワークに優れた', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on following security protocols to the letter, causing delays at the entrance. The event organizer is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali boasts about his combat skills and challenges a trained martial artist to a sparring match. The gym owner is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali dismisses the need for backup when confronting multiple suspects. The police chief is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali takes on additional shifts without rest, claiming he doesn't need sleep. The security company owner is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to take breaks during a 12-hour shift, pushing himself to the limit. The manager is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali maintains his post during extreme weather conditions, ignoring calls to seek shelter. The manager is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali continues working despite a minor injury, refusing medical attention. The first aid team is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Death Game', 'Zombie Pandemic', 'Undercover Operation']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Doping material']
reverse_adj ["unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
instance_name patient
hypo_s ['cancer patient', 'ALS patient']
hypo_i ['Uncircumcised man', 'Menopausal person']
Appear ['Pale complexion', 'Significant weight loss', 'Hair loss or thinning', 'Dark circles under eyes', 'Medical devices (e.g., oxygen tank, IV drip)', 'Wheelchair or mobility aids', 'Visible scars from surgeries', 'Swollen limbs or joints', 'Yellowing of skin or eyes (jaundice)', 'Rashes or skin discoloration', 'Tremors or involuntary movements', 'Hunched posture', 'Hospital gown or comfortable loose clothing', 'Medical alert bracelet', 'Nasal cannula or face mask', 'Bandages or dressings', 'Visible port for medication administration', 'Sunken cheeks or hollow eyes', 'Brittle nails and dry skin', 'Bruising from blood draws or injections']
Action ['Constantly checking medical devices or monitors', 'Frequently adjusting position for comfort', 'Taking multiple medications throughout the day', 'Keeping a detailed health journal', 'Researching alternative treatments online', 'Attending support group meetings', 'Undergoing frequent medical tests and procedures', 'Adapting daily routines to accommodate symptoms', 'Practicing relaxation techniques or meditation', 'Discussing end-of-life plans with family', 'Seeking second opinions from specialists', 'Participating in clinical trials', 'Advocating for increased research funding', 'Sharing personal experiences on social media', 'Creating bucket lists or setting short-term goals', 'Relying on caregivers for daily tasks', 'Struggling with insurance companies for coverage', 'Expressing gratitude to healthcare providers', 'Preparing legal documents like living wills', 'Cherishing moments with loved ones']
Suffer ['Chronic pain', 'Loss of independence', 'Social isolation', 'Depression and anxiety', 'Financial burden of treatment', 'Side effects from medications', 'Guilt over being a burden to family', 'Loss of identity and purpose', 'Fear of the unknown future', 'Difficulty in maintaining relationships', 'Cognitive decline', 'Physical deterioration', 'Fatigue and exhaustion', 'Frustration with healthcare system', 'Grief over lost opportunities and experiences', 'Stigma associated with their condition', 'Difficulty in planning for the future', 'Constant medical appointments and procedures', 'Loss of privacy due to care needs', "Existential crisis and questioning of life's meaning", 'Having to give up sports', 'Having to quit work', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Participating in experimental treatments', 'Seeking alternative therapies', 'Maintaining hope despite grim prognoses', 'Creating memory books or videos for loved ones', 'Advocating for research funding', 'Joining support groups for rare diseases', 'Traveling long distances for specialized care', 'Managing complex pain regimens', 'Adapting living spaces for declining mobility', 'Planning end-of-life care', 'Fundraising for medical expenses', 'Documenting personal experiences for future patients', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['調子の悪い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali constantly calls the nurse for minor issues. The nurse is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali refuses to take prescribed medication, insisting on alternative treatments. The doctor is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali demands to see specialists for every symptom, despite reassurances. The primary care physician is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's family is exhausted from Ali's constant need for attention and care. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali\'s pessimistic attitude is affecting other patients in the support group. The group facilitator is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali demands experimental treatments not approved for his condition. The ethics committee is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's constant second-guessing of medical decisions is straining doctor-patient relationship. The attending physician is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
revealer ['His behavioral therapy', 'Explaining the treatment to him']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
allowed_garnish ['HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name school_club_member
hypo_s ['baseball club member']
hypo_s_pn ['Koshien player']
hypo_i ['chess club member', 'newspaper club member']
Appear ['Casual school uniform', 'Backpack with club patches', 'Sweatpants or athletic wear', 'Team colors or logos', 'Wristbands or headbands', 'Enthusiastic expressions', 'Stickers or pins on bags', 'Sweaty hair', 'Energy drinks or snacks in hand', 'Temporary tattoos or face paint for events', 'Team spirit accessories like hats or scarves', 'Casual shoes suitable for activities', 'Hair tied back or styled for practicality', 'Friendship bracelets or charms']
Action ['Practicing late into the night', 'Engaging in friendly rivalries with other clubs', 'Building team spirit through bonding activities', 'Encouraging others to join the club', 'Celebrating victories together', 'Bullying nerds', 'Rehabilitating from delinquency through club activities', 'Confronting a childhood friend from a rival school', 'Creating team chants or cheers', 'Scouting a rival school', 'Encouraging members to bring friends to meetings']
Suffer ['Pressure to perform well in competitions', 'Conflict with club members', 'Strain from balancing academics and club activities', 'Injury from overtraining', 'Lack of recognition for hard work', 'Unmet expectations from coaches', 'Feeling overshadowed by talented members', 'Lack of motivation during tough times', 'Pressure to follow strict training regimens', 'Isolation from non-club peers', 'bodily punishment', 'Coping with the fear of not improving', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['朝練', '食事管理', 'アイスバスでの回復', '高地トレーニング', '対戦相手の研究', '睡眠スケジュールの維持', 'マインドフルネスの実践', '合宿', '挫折からの回復', '指導者の厳しい指導', '体罰', '動画分析', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['食事に気を使ってる', '体力のある', '筋肉質な', '反射神経の良い', '競争心の強い', 'ストイックな', '体の柔軟な', 'スポーツマンシップのある', 'チームワークの良い', '瞬発力のある', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
rephrase ['trip', 'training camp', 'exercise, leisure, hobby, recreation, healthy living, fitness', 'training, sport, match', 'being friendly', 'teamwork', 'gathering', 'team activity, discussion', 'outing', 'field experience, match, sport', 'friend', 'team member', 'bodily punishment', 'assault ']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali shows up late for practice every day. The coach is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali refuses to pass the ball during scrimmages. The other players are annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali constantly argues with the referee over calls. The referee is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali neglects his fitness training while blaming others for losses. The captain is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali keeps changing the team strategy without consulting anyone. The team is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali tries to take credit for the team's victories. The teammates are annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to participate in team bonding activities. The teammates are annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali constantly brags about his skills, putting others down. The team is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali shows up unprepared for matches, forgetting essential gear. The coach is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali argues with teammates over who should be the captain. The team is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali tries to dominate every discussion about game strategies. The members are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali ignores the coach's instructions during practice. The coach is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to accept feedback from his peers. The team is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali takes too long to recover from injuries, delaying team progress. The coach is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali makes personal bets on games, causing tension in the locker room. The teammates are annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali shows favoritism towards certain players, causing division in the team. The members are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy', 'Life Saving Scene', 'Death Game', 'Zombie Pandemic']
pressure4 ['Doping Material', 'lesson', 'text', 'Doping material']
reverse_adj ["unhealthy"]
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['First team']
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS']
instance_name journalist
hypo_s ['journalist', 'war correspondent']
hypo_s_pn ['Bob Woodward']
hypo_i ['gossip columnist', 'weather reporter', 'tabloid writer']
Appear ['Press badge or lanyard', 'Notebook and pen', 'Comfortable shoes for field work', 'Laptop bag or backpack', 'Smart phone or recording device', 'Camera', 'Trench coat', 'Fedora hat', 'Glasses or sunglasses', 'Messenger bag', 'Microphone', 'Windbreaker with news outlet logo', 'Khaki vest with many pockets', 'Disheveled appearance from long hours', 'Coffee stains on clothing']
Action ['Always carrying a notebook and pen', 'Constantly checking multiple news sources', 'Asking probing questions in social situations', 'Refusing to reveal sources', 'Maintaining a cynical or skeptical worldview', 'Rushing to be first to break a story', 'Developing a thick skin against criticism']
Suffer ['Pressure to meet tight deadlines', 'Ethical dilemmas in reporting', 'Threats to personal safety in dangerous locations', 'Difficulty maintaining objectivity', 'Stress from covering traumatic events', 'Pressure to produce clickbait content', 'Difficulty verifying sources in the age of misinformation', 'Pressure to be active on social media', 'Burnout from constant news cycle', 'Criticism and harassment from public figures or readers', 'Difficulty accessing reliable sources', 'Pressure to break news first, potentially compromising accuracy', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Investigative fieldwork', 'Building and maintaining a network of sources', 'Fact-checking', 'shorthanding', 'Developing expertise in specific beats or topics', 'Risking personal safety for stories in dangerous areas', 'Working irregular hours to meet deadlines', 'Maintaining objectivity in reporting', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['文章力のある', '情報収集能力の高い', 'コミュニケーション能力の高い', '好奇心旺盛な', '締め切りを守れる', '客観的な視点を持つ', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
rephrase ['[rumor, lie], [unconfirmed source]', '[tabloid], [news, report]', '[SNS], [grapevine, authority]', '[Checking SNS], [researching, fieldwork]', '[paparazzi], [reporter]', 'libel, stalking, hacking, voyeurism, harassment', 'reporting']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali persistently pursues a sensitive story, ignoring warnings. The editor-in-chief is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali refuses to reveal sources for a controversial article. The court judge is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's aggressive questioning during a press conference causes a scene. The press secretary is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali publishes an unverified story to beat competitors. The fact-checking team is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's undercover investigation disrupts a local business. The business owner is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's constant calls for comments on a developing story irritate a public figure. The public figure's spokesperson is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's live report from a dangerous area violates safety protocols. The news director is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's expose on corruption implicates powerful individuals. The newspaper's legal team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's refusal to cover certain topics due to personal beliefs creates gaps in reporting. The assignment editor is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's tendency to sensationalize stories for more views compromises journalistic integrity. The senior reporter is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Undercover Operation']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['the sound of him reading his article', 'The name of the media outlet he belongs to']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name cybercriminal
hypo_s ['hacker']
hypo_s_pn ['Lazarus Group']
hypo_i ['script kiddie', 'phisher', 'spammer', 'オレオレ詐欺犯', 'pirate']
hypo_i_pn ['DarkSide', 'REvil']
Appear ['Hoodie or dark clothing', 'Multiple computer screens', 'Pale complexion from lack of sunlight', 'Dark circles under eyes', 'Messy or unkempt hair', 'Fingerless gloves', 'Glasses or blue light glasses', 'Headphones or earbuds', 'Energy drinks or coffee cups', 'Stickers on laptop', 'Mechanical keyboard', 'Wrist brace', 'Fidget toys', 'Cyberpunk-style accessories', 'Backpack with tech gear', 'Smartwatch or fitness tracker', 'Graphic t-shirts with tech or hacker slogans']
Action ['Drinking energy drinks', 'Eating pizza', 'Always eat sweets', 'Loving anime', 'Wearing sunglasses indoors', 'Decorating workspace with sci-fi posters', 'Using multiple smartphones', 'Obsessively securing personal devices', 'Bragging about hacks anonymously online', 'Collecting cryptocurrency', 'Attending hacker conventions in disguise', 'Testing security systems for fun', 'Hoarding old computer hardware', 'Staying awake for days during a hack']
Suffer ['Legal consequences and imprisonment', 'Constant paranoia of being caught', 'Difficulty maintaining personal relationships due to secrecy', 'Ethical dilemmas and moral conflicts', 'Burnout from constant vigilance', 'Isolation from mainstream society', 'Struggle to find legitimate employment after being caught', 'Mental health issues from high-stress lifestyle', 'Financial instability due to illegal income sources', 'Physical health problems from long hours at computer', 'Addiction to the thrill of hacking', 'Trust issues within hacking communities', 'Difficulty adapting to rapidly changing technology', 'Constant fear of rival hackers or law enforcement', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Learning multiple programming languages', 'Studying network security protocols', 'Practicing social engineering techniques', 'Keeping up with latest cybersecurity trends', 'Developing custom malware and exploits', 'Participating in hacking forums and communities', 'Conducting extensive reconnaissance on targets', 'Mastering encryption and anonymization tools', 'Building and maintaining botnets', 'Reverse engineering software and systems', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['反社会的な', '冷酷な', '計画的な', '技術に詳しい', 'リスクを取る', '情報収集能力の高い', 'デジタルネイティブな', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい']
rephrase ['Illegal download, spamming', 'cyber attack', '', '']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali's constant bragging about his hacks on dark web forums draws unwanted attention. His hacking group leader is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's insistence on targeting high-profile companies increases the risk of capture. His cybercrime mentor is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's addiction to online gaming interferes with his assigned tasks. The ransomware gang coordinator is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali\'s constant demands for a larger cut of the profits threaten group cohesion. The cybercrime syndicate boss is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy', 'Death Game', 'Zombie Pandemic', 'Undercover Operation']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
modifier ['wanted criminal', 'State-sponsored']
allowed_garnish ['HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name thief
hypo_s ['thief']
hypo_s_pn ['D.B. Cooper']
hypo_i ['pickpocket', 'shoplifter']
Appear ['Dark clothing', 'Hooded sweatshirt', 'Face partially covered', 'Sneakers for quiet movement', 'Gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints', 'Shifty eyes', 'Nervous demeanor', 'Backpack or duffel bag for carrying loot', 'Quick, agile movements', 'Camouflage patterns or tactical gear', 'Elegant cloak or cape', 'Mask covering the eyes', 'Stylish attire with dark colors', 'Gloves for stealth', 'Lightweight shoes for silent movement', 'Mysterious aura', 'Accessories like a cane or dagger', 'Emphasis on agility and grace', 'Shadowy presence', 'Intricate patterns on clothing']
Action []
Suffer ['Fear of arrest', 'Betrayal by accomplices', 'Loss of trust from loved ones', "Constantly looking over one's shoulder", 'Living in poverty due to criminal activities', 'Guilt from harming others', 'Isolation from society', 'Struggles with addiction', 'Conflict with law enforcement', "Inability to escape one's past", 'being wanted ', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Studying security systems', 'Practicing lock-picking skills', 'Practicing stealth techniques', 'Networking with other criminals', 'Using disguises and false identities', 'Conducting reconnaissance on targets', 'Managing stolen goods and laundering money', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['狡猾な', '計画的な', '身軽な', '逃げ足の速い', '変装のうまい', '神出鬼没の', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali confidently plans a heist without considering the risks. The security guard is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali boasts about his skills while attempting to pickpocket a tourist. The tourist is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali insists on breaking into a house despite warnings from his accomplice. The accomplice is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali argues with a rival thief over stolen goods, thinking he can outsmart him. The rival thief is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali shows up at a crime scene, thinking he can take credit for someone else's work. The other thieves are annoyed by Ali.", "Ali tries to charm his way out of trouble with the police, believing he's invincible. The officer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali\'s wife is annoyed by Ali.']
pressure3 ['Sudden Vacancy', 'Death Game', 'Zombie Pandemic', 'Undercover Operation']
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['wanted criminal', 'repeat offender']
allowed_garnish ['HIGH_PRIDE']
instance_name composer
hypo_s ['composer']
hypo_s_pn ['Beethoven']
hypo_i ['elevator music composer', 'jingle composer', 'sound effect composer']
Appear ['Formal black attire', 'Bow tie or cravat', 'Round glasses', 'Messy or wild hair', 'Ink-stained fingers', 'Slightly disheveled appearance', 'Eccentric accessories (e.g., colorful scarves)', 'Pale complexion from long hours indoors', 'Thoughtful or distant expression', 'Carries a notebook or sheet music', 'Wears a beret or other distinctive hat', 'Has a beard or mustache', 'Wears comfortable, loose-fitting clothing', 'Often seen with headphones', 'Has bags under eyes']
Action ['Conducting imaginary orchestras', 'Humming or whistling constantly', 'Tapping out rhythms on any available surface', 'Suddenly stopping mid-conversation to jot down musical ideas', 'Critiquing background music in public places', 'Collecting unusual instruments', 'Experimenting with unconventional sound sources', 'Staying up all night to finish a composition', 'Obsessively revising and perfecting pieces', 'Attending concerts of various genres for inspiration', 'Isolating themselves for long periods to focus on work', 'Talking passionately about obscure musical theories', 'Refusing to listen to certain genres or artists', 'Insisting on perfect acoustic conditions for listening to music', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Lack of originality in compositions', 'Inability to translate ideas into music', 'Difficulty in creating memorable melodies', 'Poor orchestration skills', 'Struggle with complex harmonies', 'Inability to meet deadlines for commissioned works', 'Criticism for experimental or avant-garde pieces', 'Difficulty in balancing artistic vision with commercial demands', 'Difficulty in finding performers or orchestras to play compositions', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Listening to diverse genres of music', 'Studying music theory and composition techniques', 'Experimenting with different instruments', 'Collaborating with other musicians', 'Attending concerts and music festivals', 'Practicing sight-reading and ear training', 'Composing in unconventional environments', 'Analyzing scores of great composers', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', 'Sublimating one\'s trauma into a work of art', 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
Slump ['Trying to be the one who explains.', 'Start a restaurant.', 'Trying to be the one who teaches.', 'Appearing in advertisements for online casinos and marijuana.', 'Run for local council elections.', 'Suddenly start talking about environmental protection and feminism.', 'Appear in a show at a pachinko parlor.', 'Writing jingles for commercials', 'Composing background music for elevators or shopping malls', 'Creating ringtones for mobile phones', 'Writing simple pop songs under a pseudonym', 'Arranging covers of popular songs for wedding bands', "Composing music for children's TV shows", 'Creating soundtracks for low-budget indie games', 'Writing theme songs for local businesses', 'Producing generic stock music for video content', 'Composing music for fitness classes or guided meditations']
imposing ['音楽的才能のある', '創造力豊かな', '感性の豊かな', '音楽理論に詳しい', '楽器演奏のできる', '聴覚の鋭い', 'リズム感のある', '和声学に精通した', '音楽史に詳しい', '編曲能力の高い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on using unconventional instruments in an orchestral piece. The conductor is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali refuses to simplify his complex composition for a mainstream audience. The record label executive is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali misses multiple deadlines for a commissioned work. The patron is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali criticizes the performers' interpretation of his piece during rehearsal. The orchestra members are annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali demands last-minute changes to the score just before a premiere. The concert organizer is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali\'s experimental composition causes audience members to leave mid-performance. The venue manager is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali insists on using expensive, rare instruments for a small ensemble piece. The ensemble director is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali publicly criticizes other composers' works at a music festival. The festival director is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to adapt his avant-garde style for a film score. The film director is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's constant revisions to a commissioned piece delay the entire production. The production team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics']
revealer ['his works']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"]]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists']]
modifier ['exclusive']
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name dancer
hypo_s ['ballet dancer']
hypo_s_pn ['Mikhail Baryshnikov']
hypo_i ['backup dancer', 'stripper', 'flash mob participant']
hypo_i_pn ['Maddie Ziegler', 'Jabbawockeez']
Appear ['Lean, muscular physique', 'Flexible body', 'Excellent posture', 'Toned legs and arms', 'Hair in a tight bun or ponytail', 'Leotards or form-fitting dance wear', 'Ballet shoes or specialized dance footwear', 'Leg warmers or warm-up clothes', 'Minimal jewelry', 'Natural, stage-ready makeup', 'Visible muscle definition', 'Callused feet', 'Dance bag with spare shoes and accessories', 'Sweat-wicking clothing', 'Compression garments for support', 'Kinesiology tape on joints or muscles']
Action ['Expressing emotions through movement in daily life', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Hate creators who have fallen into commercialism', 'Being in a dark room', 'Getting involved in a cult', 'Being an alcoholic', 'Addicting drug and sex', 'Has suicidal thoughts', 'Support the American Democratic Party.', 'Being interested in environmental issues.', 'Getting involved in the Scientology or SGI', 'Being atheist or non-religious.', 'Expressing support or opposition to abortion.']
Suffer ['Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'A lack of depth that comes from a lack of life experience.', 'Emotionless', 'Become a victim of plagiarism', 'Conflict with producers', 'Commercialism', "Creator's block", 'Drug addiction', 'alcohol addiction', 'sex addiction', "Cannot surpass one's rival", "Cannot surpass one's past self", 'Paparazzi', 'Stalkers']
Effort ['Rigorous daily physical training', 'Practicing choreography for hours', 'Cross-training in different dance styles', 'Flexibility and stretching exercises', 'Strength and conditioning workouts', 'Studying anatomy and kinesiology', 'Maintaining proper sleep schedule for recovery', 'Regular physiotherapy and massage', 'Perfecting technique through repetition', 'Attending workshops and masterclasses', 'Analyzing performance videos for improvement', 'Developing stage presence and expression', 'Learning music theory and rhythm', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds', "(art_sports == 'a')", 'Sketching ideas in a notebook daily', 'Traveling for inspiration', 'Abstinence', "Sublimating one's trauma into a work of art", 'Use LSD', 'Meditation', 'Keeping a dream journal', 'Creating art in the dark']
imposing ['表現力豊かな', 'リズム感のある', '体の柔軟な', 'ステージ慣れした', '感情表現の上手い', 'ダンス好きな', 'チームワークの良い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる', '物憂げな', '詩的な']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on performing a solo at every event, regardless of the group\'s input. The dance troupe is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali refuses to follow the choreographer's directions during rehearsal. The choreographer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali shows up late to practice, claiming he was 'inspired' by a new dance move. The other dancers are annoyed by Ali.", "Ali constantly critiques his fellow dancers' performances without offering constructive feedback. The dancers are annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali demands to be the center of attention during group performances. The audience is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali interrupts rehearsals to demonstrate his own moves, disregarding the planned choreography. The director is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali insists on wearing flashy costumes that distract from the overall performance. The costume designer is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's overconfidence leads him to challenge experienced dancers to impromptu battles. The veterans are annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali refuses to collaborate with others on choreography, insisting his style is superior. The dance community is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Doping material']
revealer ['his dance']
reverse_adj ["unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む', '人々を感動させる']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
modifier ['principal dancer', 'soloist']
allowed_garnish ['UNFAMOUS', 'LOWBROW', 'HIGH_PRIDE', 'SAD_PAST']
instance_name barista
hypo_s ['barista']
hypo_i ['cat cafe staff', 'maid cafe staff']
Appear ['Apron with coffee shop logo', 'Neat and tidy hair (often tied back)', 'Black or earth-toned clothing', 'Name tag', 'Wristwatch for timing shots', 'Tattoos (often visible)', 'Ear piercings', 'Callused hands from handling hot equipment', 'Burn marks on hands or arms', 'Coffee stains on clothing', 'Neutral-colored nail polish or well-groomed nails', 'Minimal jewelry for hygiene reasons']
Action ["Correcting customers' pronunciation of coffee terms", "Critiquing other cafes' coffee", 'Discussing coffee bean origins in detail', 'Refusing to serve coffee with milk or sugar', 'Posting artistic coffee photos on social media', 'Judging people who order decaf', 'Hates mass-produced coffee like poison']
Suffer ['Burns from hot liquids and equipment', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Practicing latte art for hours', 'Studying coffee bean varieties and origins', 'Perfecting brewing techniques', 'Developing a refined palate through cupping sessions', 'Attending barista competitions', 'Experimenting with new flavor combinations', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['コーヒーに詳しい', '接客スキルの高い', '手先の器用な', '味覚の鋭い', '清潔感のある', '効率的な', '朝型の', 'コミュニケーション能力の高い', '忍耐強い', 'アート感覚のある', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali lectures customers about their coffee choices. The cafe owner is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali experiments with expensive coffee beans without permission. The manager is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali refuses to make drinks that he considers \'inauthentic\'. The shift supervisor is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's perfectionism slows down service during rush hour. The other baristas are annoyed by Ali.", "Ali criticizes a customer's palate when they don't like his specialty drink. The customer service representative is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali insists on redesigning the cafe's menu without consulting anyone. The marketing team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's constant tweaking of the espresso machine disrupts workflow. The maintenance staff is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali argues with a food critic about proper coffee preparation methods. The cafe's PR team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's obsession with latte art causes long wait times. The regular customers are annoyed by Ali.", "Ali refuses to serve coffee with artificial sweeteners, citing 'purity'. The diabetic customer is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Doping material']
reverse_adj ["unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
allowed_garnish ['LOWBROW']
instance_name masseuse
hypo_s ['masseuse']
hypo_i ['massage palror staff']
Appear ['Comfortable, loose-fitting uniform', 'Slip-resistant shoes', 'Hair tied back neatly', 'Minimal jewelry', 'Well-groomed nails (short and clean)', 'Subtle, natural makeup (if any)', 'Name tag or identification badge', 'Wristwatch for timing sessions', 'Neutral-colored clothing', 'Relaxed and calm facial expression', 'Toned arms and hands', 'Good posture', 'Possible aromatherapy scent', 'Soft-soled shoes for quiet movement', 'Clean, moisturized hands']
Action ['Constantly cracking their own joints', 'Offering unsolicited posture advice', 'Critiquing massage techniques in movies', 'Practicing new techniques on friends and family', 'Recommending stretches to everyone', 'Promoting alternative healing methods']
Suffer ['Repetitive strain injuries', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Studying anatomy and physiology', 'Developing hand and finger strength', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['解剖学に詳しい', '手先の器用な', '体力のある', 'コミュニケーション能力の高い', '清潔感のある', '気配りのできる', '忍耐強い', 'リラックスさせる能力のある', '身体感覚の鋭い', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ['Ali insists on using unconventional techniques on a client despite their discomfort. The spa manager is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali lectures clients about their poor posture and lifestyle choices during massages. The regular customers are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali refuses to use the spa's branded products, insisting on his own homemade oils. The spa owner is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's lengthy spiritual talks during massages cause scheduling conflicts. The receptionist is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali criticizes other masseuses' techniques in front of clients. The massage therapy team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali insists on rearranging the massage room's feng shui before each session. The cleaning staff is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali tries to diagnose medical conditions and offer unsolicited health advice. The spa\'s legal advisor is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali's obsession with perfecting a new massage technique causes him to run overtime consistently. The next shift's masseuse is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali refuses to work on clients he deems 'energetically incompatible'. The customer service representative is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's constant suggestions for improving the spa's services disrupt staff meetings. The spa director is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Doping material']
reverse_adj ["unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]
instance_name hotel_staff
hypo_s ['hotel staff']
hypo_i ['hot-pillow hotel staff']
Appear ['Neat, pressed uniform', 'Name tag', 'Polished shoes', 'Well-groomed hair', 'Minimal jewelry', 'Subtle makeup', 'Clean, manicured nails', 'Tie or bow tie for men', 'Scarf or neckerchief for women', 'Professional smile', 'Good posture', 'Earpiece for communication', 'Wristwatch', 'Belt with hotel logo', 'Crisp white shirt or blouse']
Action ['Always maintaining a polite smile', 'Speaking in a hushed tone', 'Carrying multiple items effortlessly', 'Memorizing guest names and preferences', 'Walking briskly but quietly', 'Anticipating guest needs before they ask', 'Providing detailed local recommendations', 'Folding towels into decorative shapes', 'Inspecting rooms with a keen eye for detail', 'Practicing different languages during breaks', 'Expertly handling luggage of all sizes', 'Mediating conflicts between guests']
Suffer ['Dealing with rude or demanding guests', 'Slump', "Children's school fees", 'Loans for activities']
Effort ['Memorizing guest preferences and names', 'Practicing multiple languages for international guests', 'Learning about local attractions and services', 'Perfecting the art of room presentation', 'Enhancing interpersonal skills for diverse guest interactions', 'Quit smoking and drinking', 'Experience different activities', 'Seek advice.', 'Conflict with others about the way one do things.', 'Sacrifice family, friend and lover.', 'Become estranged from a partner.', 'Become ill and get injured from overwork.', 'Quit college or work to pursue the dream.', 'Sell personal belongings for Activity funds']
imposing ['接客スキルの高い', '言語能力の高い', '清潔感のある', '効率的な', '忍耐強い', '気配りのできる', '問題解決能力の高い', 'チームワークの良い', '柔軟性のある', 'プライドの高い', '話を聞かない', '敬語を使えない', '千葉の', '自分に自信がある', '感情的な', '不健康な', '暗い', '大卒の', '目の悪い', '痩せた', '太った', '繊細な', '暗い', 'インドアな', '几帳面な', '体力のない', '理屈っぽい', '健康な', '明るい', '高卒の', 'ガタイがいい', '痩せた', '背が高い', '色黒な', 'ストリート系の', '社交的な', '姿勢のいい', '日焼けした', 'アウトドアな', '体育会系の', '食事に気を使ってる']
pressure1 ['Bob, a Mom-and-pop restaurant owner, offers Ali free meal.', 'Bob, a landlord, generously waits for Ali to pay her overdue rent.', 'Bob, a employer, offers Ali a flexible part-time job.', 'Bob, a professional, offers Ali the training.', "Bob, Ali's girlfriend's father, allows them to marry.", 'Bob, a kind taxi driver, gives Ali free rides to job interviews.', 'Bob, a wealthy investor, provides Ali with startup funding.']
pressure2 ["Ali gives unsolicited room upgrades to guests, disrupting the hotel's booking system. The front desk manager is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali criticizes the cleaning staff's methods in front of guests. The housekeeping supervisor is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali makes promises to guests that the hotel can't fulfill. The hotel manager is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali rearranges the lobby furniture without permission, claiming to improve feng shui. The interior designer is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali lectures guests on proper hotel etiquette. The customer service team is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali insists on personally handling VIP guests, bypassing established protocols. The concierge is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali implements his own check-in system, causing confusion among staff. The IT department is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali constantly suggests menu changes to the hotel restaurant. The head chef is annoyed by Ali.', "Ali gives unauthorized tours of the hotel's restricted areas to impress guests. The security team is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali overbooks the hotel's conference rooms, confident he can manage the schedule. The events coordinator is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali's mind and body are exhausted from overwork. Ali's family is annoyed by Ali.", 'Ali keeps asking others for advice. The others is annoyed by Ali.', 'Ali criticizes others. The others are annoyed by Ali.', "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, tells his girlfriend's father that he wants to marry her. The father is annoyed by Ali.", "Ali, a unsuccessful poor, sticks to his career. Ali's wife is annoyed by Ali."]
pressure3 []
pressure4 ['lesson', 'text', 'Nootropics', 'Doping material']
reverse_adj [["illiteracy", "mild_yankee"], "unhealthy"]
cant ['人々の役に立つ', '夢を掴む']
does_b [['gives people hope', 'impresses people']]
did_a [['was moved by him', 'was saved by him', 'was given hope by him']]
hard [['Is society really this hard?']]
advice [['I wanna give you hope']]
too_late [['eating blue fish', 'reading a thick book', 'trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube', 'doing mindfulness', 'watching TED Talks', 'doing doing flash ANZAN', 'playing chess', 'Watch documentaries about scientists'], ['doing push ups', 'eating a low-calorie diet', 'hiking up the stairs instead of using the elevator', 'staying hydrated with water', 'drinking protein shakes', 'eating energy bars', 'Watch documentaries about athletes']]